August 15, 2021: Why Did Jesus Die? Pt. 3

Why did Jesus die? As we continue addressing this question, we will demonstrate how predominantly blood and sacrifices play in the Hebrew Scriptures. Indeed, they are woven right into the biblical narrative from Adam to Malachi. It is insufficient to merely state that the death of Jesus is no surprise; He truly was the fulfillment of what the Old Testament pointed to, because there simply was “no other way.”

August 1, 2021: Why Did Jesus Die?

Text: various

We'll take a few weeks to answer the question, why did Jesus die? Most could give a basic answer but many would miss, or downplay, its value and significance. We'll take a few weeks to develop and showcase the silver-lining running from Genesis to Revelation: Christ Jesus died for sinners. In this message, we'll set the stage in the Pentateuch and begin laying down tracks in the NT. My design is to safeguard young minds from "progressivism" and my prayer is that our minds are edified as we take a deeper look at God's unfolding drama of redemption.

July 25, 2021: What's Holding You Back?

Text: Mark 1:14-20

In this message, we look at how a growing understanding of the gospel, the royal announcement of the kingdom of God, is just what we need to respond to the obstacles standing in the way of us becoming disciples on mission to make disciples.

July 11, 2021: An Overview

Sermon on the mount series message 28

Text: Matthew 5-7

In this message we'll review key elements of the Sermon on the Mount. It's good to unpack each thought in the sermon, but we don't want to miss the forest for the trees. Jesus speaks to matters of the heart as He describes the nature of conversion, life in the God's Kingdom, the purpose of His ministry, and the reality of final judgement.

July 4, 2021: The Authoritative Jesus

Sermon on the mount series message 27

Text: Matthew 7:28-29

Matthew's commentary, after Jesus finishes speaking, is as important as the words themselves. The reaction of the crowd is vital to help us appreciate the weight of what was said. Jesus did not speak as their religious leaders did, He did so with authority! This was none other than the Son of God coming to destroy the works of the devil and expose the religion of externalities and carnal pride! We do well to listen to all of what Jesus taught, certainly not just the parts we like or the words that are popular today.

June 27, 2021: Build from the Ground Up

Sermon on the mount series message 26

Text: Matthew 7:24-27

Our passage begins with the word, “therefore…” Jesus is not only reaching back to what he just said, but also to his entire sermon. His teachings are not just to be admired, they are to be obeyed and implemented. The one who takes heed and builds his life accordingly, does so with the blessings of God both now and in eternity. The one who ignores Jesus’ teaching does so at his own peril.

June 20, 2021: I Never Knew You!

Sermon on the mount series message 25

Text: Matthew 7:21-23

Our text is one of the most arresting passages in all of Scripture. Many who presume membership in the Kingdom will be denied entrance. Lord, Lord is a term of familiarity - it will be a complete shock! The broad road that leads to destruction will include many possessing a false assurance of a good standing with God. While Jesus has spoken to false prophets, His words here have a broader application than that group of people.

June 6, 2021: The Narrow Gate!

Sermon on the mount series message 23

Text: Matthew 7:13-14

We now enter sacred ground, which has profound implications. Entirely contrary to the underpinnings of the spirit of the age in its various manifestations, Jesus asserts the path that leads to life is narrow, not wide. We'll go beyond the typical proof texting and see why - from the Sermon on the Mount - the exclusivity of the gospel is not only reasonable but entirely expected (and should be heeded).

May 30, 2021: Love Your Neighbor!

Sermon on the mount series message 22

Text: Matthew 7:12

The crowning piece to Jesus' preaching is the familiar ‘Golden Rule.’ This concept echoes throughout the NT but never as a means to merit our way into the Kingdom. It's a helpful summation of the heart of God throughout the Old Testament and framework from which to operate. It ends Jesus' teaching on practical Christian living and gives way to His penetrating treatment of judgement.

May 23, 2021: Just Ask!

Sermon on the mount series message 21

Text: Matthew 7:7-11

Ask and it will be given to you. Really? Can I ask for anything? Does this mean all of my prayers should be answered? If they aren't, am I doing something wrong? The reality is that there is often confusion when it comes to prayer, but that is not how it is supposed to be. This Sunday we will see how Jesus' instruction to pray fits with the rest of the Sermon on the Mount up to this point and how it reveals the heart of God toward His people.

May 16, 2021: Push Forward!

Supplemental message

Text: Hebrews 11:39-12:2

I'm hitting the pause button on the Sermon on the Mount. This week marks the one year anniversary of losing Joyce and Joseph Sanders. As we all know, our losses almost seem incomprehensible since that time. So I want to pause and reflect, acknowledging what we've experienced, and begin to help us all to move forward - particularly as the pandemic restrictions in our area are beginning to loosen. Key concepts will be to "walk in a manner worthy of our calling" (Ephesians 4) and "run the race" from Hebrews 12. We have each been called to glory and will enter into that glory by His grace, as heirs of God and co-heirs of Christ. Our present suffering is not even worthy to be compared to what's ahead.

May 9, 2021: Don't Judge

Sermon on the mount series message 20

Text: Matthew 7:1-6

It is true Jesus teaches us not to be hypocritical in judging others, but Jesus is not teaching that we should incorrectly judge in discerning truth from error, or sin from righteousness. On this Mother's Day, we'll present a balanced biblical picture of the right and wrong way to judge - an important aspect of raising kids!

May 2, 2021: Christian Living - Don't Be Anxious

Sermon on the mount series message 19

Text: Matthew 6:25-34

The flip side of “do not” lay up for yourselves treasures on earth is “do not” be anxious for - or chase after - those temporal treasures but rather trust God for His provision. God knows you and cares for you! We can trust Him.

April 25, 2021: Where's Your Treasure?

Sermon on the mount series message 18

Text: Matthew 6:19-25

Such a beautiful and well known passage! We constantly need the reminder to set our affections on things above, to not live for the temporary but to live with an eternal perspective. We'll draw out some lesser known truths and concepts associated with Jesus' profound teaching on our treasures.

April 18, 2021: Christian Living Pt. 2 Fasting

Sermon on the mount series message 17

Text: Matthew 6:16-18

Jesus has spoken to prayer and giving; now He speaks to a third act of worship - fasting. Utilizing our five ‘buckets’, we'll again see how piety should be fleshed-out in our walk with Christ. In the following three messages we'll focus on life principles which are intrinsic to everyday life: our eternal perspective, worry, and judging others.

April 11, 2021: Christian Living!

Sermon on the mount series message 16

Text: Matthew 6:1-15

We've just completed a section in which Jesus contrasts the Pharisees' application to Old Testament teachings to His own application - naturally, Jesus shows us the heart of God in the matter, while also showing us the futility of establishing our own righteousness through keeping the Ten Commandments and such. Our next section - chapter six - shows us how to live as Christ-followers. Once again, Jesus contrasts the Pharisaical approach to religion with a vision of how godly faith works itself out. "You've heard it said...but I tell you" is replaced by, "You've seen it done this way but...well, don't do that!" In this message, we'll talk about giving and praying. Key concept? Christian living is about heart transformation and an Audience of One - not about a hypocritical show of your good works.

April 4, 2021: He is Risen!

Text: Acts 2:22-36

This has been a tough year for us (all), I've never had to eulogize so many people. No one would have thought, a year ago, that we'd still not all be gathered for worship on this Resurrection Sunday. God is using this time to refine us and deepen our walk with Him. On Sunday, we'll examine the first recorded apostolic preaching of the resurrection - our friend Peter roots it thoroughly in the Old Testament and shows us it is our way of escape from the power and penalty of sin. Special attention will be given to the role of the Holy Spirit in the resurrection - an angle often overlooked, though it provides great encouragement and perspective as we preach through the Sermon on the Mount!