Select specific club above for more information.
If your kids haven't been to the Awana Clubs at Derwood Bible Church, you'll find that, after their first visit, they'll want to come week after week! There are 3 clubs, Cubbies, Sparks and T&T. We offer games, handbook achievement and a Bible lesson that is relevant to today's children.
To learn about the specific clubs please select the club logo above
Wednesdays 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. during the school year (Sept 18, 2024 through May 21, 2025) at Derwood Bible Church. Children are welcome to join Awana any time during the year unless we reach our max for specific clubs. If this occurs your name will be added to a wait-list and contacted should room become available.
By completing the Start Zone booklet your child earns the privilege of becoming an official member of our Awana Club. Membership includes: handbook, uniform, awards, and tons of fun activities!
Registering for Awana is a simple process. You will register your clubbers individually by completing the following registration form for each child. Embedded in the form is the option to pay online. You will select the registration and materials that applies to that child and the total cost will be calculated. Then you will be presented with the option to pay online or to pay later (either by cash or check on the first night of Awana). Please complete this step even if you intend to pay later. If you aren't sure what your child will need, that's ok. Take your best guess and select "pay later" and we can make any necessary changes on the first night.
Here are some hints :
There is a registration fee for every child. Your first child registered will be $20. All additional children will be $15.
Every child will need a book for their club
If it is your child's first year in their club (Cubbies, Sparks, or T&T) they will need a vest/shirt.
If it is their second or more year in their club (Cubbies, Sparks, or T&T) they won't need a new vest/shirt unless they outgrew their old one.
Step 3+: Repeat Step 2 for each child you are registering for Awana. Make sure to select the $15 registration fee for these.
Awana is a national organization with many products available. Book bags, Bible verse/music CD’s, learning aids, and other fun stuff may be purchased directly from Awana at: store.awana.org (DBC does not receive any of these proceeds).
Ours is a staff of qualified leaders dedicated to running a club that is exciting, fun, and safe for your child. Awana leaders have trusted Christ as their Savior, are active in the church, and have completed an application and background check process before being approved by the Derwood Bible Church leadership. They also have completed basic Awana leadership training. Please feel free to contact your child's leader or club director with any questions or comments you may have.
WHAT IS THE SICK POLICY? (When should I keep my child home?)
Please see our Illness Guidelines for all Children’s Ministry
The Awana awards system is based on a series of achievements in handbooks which include Bible memory and activities. Your child's achievement can be enhanced with your involvement and encouragement.
Help your child memorize the sections in his/her handbook and answer any questions in the handbook -- you can even memorize the verses at the same time!
Non-reading clubbers especially need a parent's help in completing handbooks.
Invite children from your neighborhood to club.
Contact your club director (look for the yellow shirt) for more information on how you can be involved.
Sometimes we find items left after club. Please mark your child's belongings. Check with your club director or church office if you are missing something that may have been left at club.
Awana Clubs will be cancelled if Derwood Bible Church has cancelled its activities due to inclement weather.
You may call the church (301-987-0831) or check the Derwood Bible Church website homepage for the status of evening activities.
Please contact the DBC church office if you have any other questions, comments or concerns about the Awana clubs at Derwood Bible Church.
Awana and the Awana logo are Registered Trademarks of Awana Clubs International. Used by permission.