Men’s Ministry
The Men’s Ministry wants to encourage your growth in Christ by connecting you with other DBC men, providing solid Bible and thematic studies, and creating various service opportunities to use your gifts and talents in serving others. For more information on Men’s Ministry initiatives, please contact Pastor Colin Seager.
Greetings men of Derwood Bible Church! Here’s the lowdown on the upcoming men’s ministry year.
Bible Studies
There are several opportunities to study God’s word together at DBC. These studies are a great way to get to know other men as well. Here are a few of the opportunities:
7-8 am Saturday morning - small bldg. auditorium
6:30-7:30 am Tuesday morning - in depth book of the Bible study
Currently studying the book of I Corinthians and meeting in person in the small auditorium and simultaneously over Zoom.
Contact for Zoom meeting information
NOTE: We are transitioning to a new system for Men's Ministry email. If you do not have an account on the new church website, or you are not receiving emails from the new church website, please go here to request an account then email to be put on the Men’s Ministry email list.
Men’s Cookout!
Men's Ministry Cookout - Check back here for the date of the next event,
If you have any questions, please reach out to Jeff Whelan.
Men’s Bible Studies
At any given time during the year, we have several studies going on. For details please visit our Bible Studies page.
Men's Conference
Yearly Men's conference in October sponsored by WACMM.
Helping Hands Ministry
Men form teams of four to minister monthly to an assigned individual or family. Through this arrangement a bond is formed not only amongst the team but with the individual or family being served.
Moving Ministry
This ministry helps those in our church who are moving in or out of the area. If you’d like to be put on the list of people to contact when help is needed, please let us know! If you are in need of this ministry, please feel free to contact the church office at 301-987-0831.
Proven Men Ministries, Ltd.™

This national, non-profit organization is an outgrowth from one of our own local men’s ministries. Proven Men™ holds small purity and accountability groups throughout the year right here at DBC, and it provides men with opportunities to link up with other men striving for absolute purity.
Regardless of whether you are looking for accountability or want to stand beside others in an area where all men face temptations, this ministry has something for you. Link up with us and purpose to live out a PROVEN life, consisting of being:
Passionate for God
Repentant in Spirit
Open and honest
Victorious in living
Eternal in focus
Networked with other PROVEN Men
Come join with us! Please visit the website at ProvenMen and contact Brian Hall for more information: (240) 426–8008