Domestic Outreach
The church is commissioned to take the Gospel both locally and globally as we make disciples of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8 & Matthew 28:19-20). Our Domestic Outreach efforts focus on expressing the love and truth of Jesus Christ in our local community.
Our prayer is that through our involvement in our community, people will take note that Jesus' followers are full of compassion and contribute to the well-being of our community. While our partnership with some ministries is on a church-wide level, our vision is for each individual member of Derwood Bible Church to actively and intentionally love our neighbor, as Jesus taught. Love intentionally, and love well.
Local Ministries With Whom We Partner and Support
Chris and Sandy Mikesh: Awana
Chris and Sandy Mikesh have been serving as Awana Missionaries in Maryland since 2012. They serve 70+ churches in multiple capacities to include teaching at Ministry Conferences, church trainings and serving with the Ministry Team.
"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15
Nate & Emily Musser: InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Nate and Emily serve at Northern Michigan University and Lake Superior State University with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. Their desire is to help students follow and grow in love for Jesus, whether or not they grew up in church, and to teach and help them share the Gospel of Jesus with their friends on campus. Most of their time on each campus is spent discipling and training student leaders as well as doing outreach and spending time with students. If you are interested in getting prayer updates for their ministry, sign up at
Michael Seager: Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Michael Seager is a local missionary and on staff with FCA in Montgomery County. His main ministry over the school year is to help facilitate school Bible studies by training and supporting student leaders as they share the gospel and make disciples who make disciples. Throughout the year, he will help run local, regional, and international camps for student athletes with an emphasis on getting those students connected to Jesus Christ and His church. One of Michael’s responsibilities is to raise funding for all of the ministry that he participates in and he is grateful for having partners like those within Derwood Bible Church. Michaels FCA giving page can be found here.
The mission of Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is “To Lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church” and we do that in Montgomery County by training disciples who make disciples to engage, equip, and empower them to share the gospel of Jesus within their schools. Since 1954, FCA has had the vision “To see the world transform by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes” and Derwood Bible Church has been a valuable partner in that work.
For More Info, Visit:
Rockville Women’s Center
Helping women achieve their full potential despite the pressures and consequences of an unintended pregnancy is our mission. We offer medical services, baby boutique, prevention programs, and referrals.
For More Info, visit:
Or Call: 301-770-4444 for donors or 240-779-1585 for the helpline
Angel Tree
Every child has a story. For 1.5 million American children, that story is filled with the abandonment, loneliness, and shame that comes from having a mom or dad in prison. At Angel Tree, we find ways to reach out to these children, by sharing Christ's love with them at Christmas and by developing year-round relationships. In the end, it's so much more than giving Christmas gifts-it's about restoring families.
For More Info, Visit:
Central Union Mission
The lives of tens of thousands of men, women and children have been changed for the better by the Mission's time-tested programs. The following programs are the most prominent ways the Mission serves the people of Metropolitan Washington, DC.
Spiritual Transformation Program - 18-month residential recovery program for men with life-controlling problems
Hispanic Family Program - Support services for the growing Latino population
Children's Programs - School supplies, community meals, and holiday gifts for youth in need
Summer Camp - Week-long Camp Bennett retreat for over 400 inner-city children
All of The Mission's programs are provided for free.
See details here:

Shady Grove Apartments Homework Club
Join with others for this after-school program, helping students with their homework. One afternoon/week.
Contact Mike Speer, Pastor of Student Ministries
Other ways to get involved serving our community:
Fisher House
Provides free or low-cost lodging to veterans and military families receiving treatment at military medical centers. To provide a meal for the families, contact:
Washington DC/VA Manager - Stacey Childs 202-745-2482
Forest Glen Manager - Maurice Borde 301-319-5442
The American Red Cross takes financial donations. They have a wish list of items you can donate to support inpatients, outpatients and their families at Walter Reed Hopsital in Bethesda. Follow them on Facebook to learn the latest. Click here for other ways to help.

MCCH programs provide permanent supportive housing, emergency shelter and housing, and supportive service to over 1,400 individuals and children. For service opportunities click here.

Shady Grove Hospital
Volunteer opportunities in the hospital abound. Volunteers must commit to serving 100 hours/year, be interviewed and trained. Contact # 240-826-6111