Membership at Derwood Bible Church

We are excited that you have found a home at Derwood Bible Church.  We trust that God has led you to this fellowship to be a part of the authentic and maturing spiritual family that follows the Lord Jesus Christ as we serve each other and reach out to our neighbors in love.  The Bible tells Christians to carry each other's burdens and, in doing so, we will fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2).  Other members of DBC will be there to encourage and support you in life, and you will be given increased opportunities to build up others as well. 

Why Have Membership in a Church and What it Means to be a Member

At Derwood Bible Church we recognize the need for a formal membership.  We ask you to commit to membership for four reasons:

  • A Biblical Reason

    Christ is committed to the church and therefore we should commit to one another as well.

    "...Christ loved the church and gave His life for it" (Ephesians 5:25).

    There were special roles taken to give specialized care to various members.  (e.g., 1 Timothy 5:9) and a knowledge of who was and was not a "part" of a particular church (e.g., 1 John 2:19).

  • A Cultural Reason

    It is an antidote to our society.

    We live in an age where some don’t want to be committed to much at all.  This attitude has even produced a generation of "church shoppers and hoppers."  Membership swims against the current of America's "consumer religion."  It is an unselfish decision.  Commitment always builds character and Christ-like character influences all of society.

  • A Practical Reason

    It defines who can be counted on.

    Every team must have a roster.  Every school must have an enrollment.  Every business has a payroll.  Every army has an enlistment.  Even our country takes a census and requires voter registration.  Membership identifies our family.  We love everyone who comes to worship and grow in the Lord.  We simply want to know who can be counted upon to live out works of faith and labors of love in obedience to Christ's Great Commandment and Great Commission. (Matthew 22:37, 38; 28:19, 1 Thessalonians 1:3)

  • A Personal Reason

    It produces spiritual growth.

    The New Testament places a major emphasis on the need for Christians to be accountable to each other for spiritual growth.  You cannot be accountable when you're not committed to any specific church family. (Hebrews 10:23-25, 1 Thessalonians 3:12; 4:9-10)

C.S. Lewis once wrote an essay in which he reminded his readers that the term "membership" is of Christian origin, even though it has since been hijacked by the world and emptied of the richness of its meaning.  Rather than associate the term simply with paying dues, silly rules, secret rituals, dusty roles, or special keys, biblical meaning conveys a deep sense of vibrant relationship, connected Christians, willing accountability and care, spiritual protection, Christ-centered identity, and unwavering commitment.  Membership is as much about belonging as believing, which is especially relevant in our disconnected and fragmented postmodern society.

A DBC member agrees to:

Protect the Unity of the church
Share responsibility of the church
Serve the ministry of the church
Support the testimony of the church 

The DBC Membership Process

Here are the three steps for membership:

1)     Complete the online application.

2)    Attend our Essentials classes that we offer about once a quarter, and are three consecutive class sessions. They are typically scheduled on a Sunday morning before the worship service at 8:45 am in the small building sanctuary. Look for them to be announced, and if you are unable to attend we are happy to set up something personal, tailored to your schedule!

3)    Once you’ve submitted your application, the elders will contact you to schedule a meeting. This is a very informal time where we cast the vision God's given us at DBC, discuss your membership application and get to know you better. We especially encourage you to ask any questions you might have regarding DBC, our values and priorities or our doctrinal statement.