March 28, 2021: "But I tell you..." Pt.5

Sermon on the mount series message 15

Text: Matthew 5:43-48

Love your enemies! This is installment #6 of Jesus' series of lessons in which He contrasts the true heart of God with what the people are hearing from the religious leaders. This one hits home as we are told to not only love our neighbor but love our enemies and to pray for them! Lots of life application for us in this passage. We'll also prepare for the hope of the gospel through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead (Easter!) through His bookend comments, your righteousness must exceed that of the Pharisees and be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect.

March 21, 2021: "But I tell you..." Pt. 4 Reliability and Reprisal

Sermon on the mount series message 14

Text: Matthew 5:33-42

The Pharisees had turned oath-taking into a three ring circus, woven into every day speech with ridiculous intricacy. Jesus points out a better way: why not simply be trustworthy in all that we say? Provision likewise was given for reprisal but, once again, Jesus shows a superior way to the Pharisees' misapplication of God's truth. As profound as His teachings are, His primary design is to prepare us for the gospel and show the futility of seeking entrance into the Kingdom via our own merit.

March 14, 2021: "But I tell you..." Pt. 3 - Choosing Love Over Loopholes

Sermon on the mount series message 13

Text: Matthew 5:27-32

In the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ Jesus turns our natural understanding of blessing and righteousness upside down. The Pharisees made the relationship with God all about the Law, but human nature responds to laws by finding the loopholes. Fallen humanity tries to figure out how we can get what we want while, technically, not breaking the law. Jesus, on the other hand, offers us life without loopholes as he addresses the issues of adultery, temptation, and our heart.

March 7, 2021: "But I Tell You..." Pt. 2

Sermon on the mount series message 12

Text: Matthew 5:21-30

A series of six consecutive "You've heard it said...but I tell you" statements present a correct posture of obedience compared to what the Pharisees offered through their instruction and example. Jesus always drilled deep in His teaching and required obedience from the heart. This message: murder and reconciliation.

February 28, 2021: "But I tell you..."

Sermon on the mount message 11

Text: Matthew 5:21-26

Jesus not only endorsed the law but claimed He would fulfill it! That, plus His follow-up statements, all but ensured His adversarial relationship to the religious establishment. A series of six consecutive "You've heard it said...but I tell you" statements present a superior posture of obedience to what the Pharisees offered through their instruction and example. He begins by addressing murderous and angry actions and demonstrates the importance of relational harmony and reconciliation. Jesus always drilled deep in His teaching and required obedience from the heart.

February 21, 2021: Perfection!

Sermon on the mount series message 10

Text: Matthew 5:17-20

As Jesus develops the heart of His discourse, He speaks to what may feel tangential or even unnecessary: His value judgement on the law. It is, after all, the straightedge by which the religious leaders were analyzing Him. Even stepping into the shallow end of His teaching rewards us with stunning insight into the fullness, the beauty, and the power of Jesus' ministry. The glory of the gospel is on full display! Dwelling on these truths will enrich and develop our confidence in the finished work of Christ on our behalf.

February 7, 2021: Light of the World!

Sermon on the Mount series message 9

Text: Matthew 5:14-16

Having just spoken of salt, Jesus now employs a complementary analogy: light. What is compelling about this is He confers on His disciples what He uses to describe Himself! We will develop what it means for Jesus to be the light of the world, and in turn, what it means for Christians (‘little Christs’) to take that role until He comes. We will also see how ‘salt’ and ‘light’ interface as descriptions of Jesus followers.

January 30, 2021: Faithful in Trials and Failure

Sermon on the Mount series message 8

Text: Matthew 5:13

Last week we saw that every follower of Jesus should expect trials and that our response should show Christ to the world around us, to be ‘salt'. Our mission to the world doesn’t stop when life is painful. But what happens when we fail, even walk away under the circumstances? What happens if we lose our saltiness? While flavorless salt might only be good to be trampled by people, behold, God’s steadfast love in Christ means our flavor can be restored.

January 24, 2020: Matters of the Heart: Persecution

Sermon on the Mount series message 7

Text: Matthew 5:1-12

The final beatitude presents a remarkable concept: persecution for Christ's sake should evoke joy, not despair. Jesus bookends His teaching with the simple declaration: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. As we return to the Sermon on the Mount, we wrap up the Beatitudes, which speak to both the entrance into and essence of Kingdom living. Those who suffer for Christ's sake find occasion for exceeding joy as the genuineness of faith is affirmed and our heavenly reward ensured.

January 10, 2021: Behold! Living in the Light of Behold

Advent 2020 series message 6

Text: various

The whole Bible pulsates with Behold! statements. The goodness of God, the mercy and grace of God, the power of God, the personal presence of God...all shining brightest among us through Jesus. How should our lives reflect the outrageous propositions in God's Word that are now our birthright? It begins with retaining the sense of being wonderstruck by it all and avoiding the stains of the world. Specifically, being strengthened by the Spirit in our inner being, as Paul told the Ephesians. This Sunday we'll get practical and put feet to our faith in 2021 with our Behold! statements from Scripture.

January 3, 2021: Behold! Jesus Our Man in Glory

Advent 2020 series message 5

Text: Various

In December we saw how the word behold directs, develops and punctuates many key aspects of Jesus' coming and ministry. We're extending our Behold! advent series to highlight our Lord and Savior this Sunday, and then His life in us the following Sunday. This weekend we'll look at  the Son of God past, present and future - from creation to glory and from Genesis to Revelation. Throughout Scripture, the word Behold! prepares us to see something unique and majestic about Jesus Christ long before He appeared in Bethlehem and also through the ages as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Indeed, what better place to start this year than Christology, the study of Christ: the loftiest science, the noblest pursuit and the richest meditation!

December 27, 2020: Behold! Present in the Promise

Advent 2020 series message 4

Text: Various

We've seen the heart of God in the unfolding drama of redemption and we've seen the stunning statements foretold about Jesus' birth and ministry. Even in the light of this, those amazing truths about Jesus can be under-appreciated and lost in the shuffle if we don't see their context. God made a promise, and God kept His promise. And so, the New Testament was formed and written because God is faithful. Behold!...

December 20, 2020: Behold! (Present in the Pathway)

Advent 2020 series message 3

Text: Various

Behold! is a most consequential word in Scripture, absolutely unrivaled in its usage and application. This week and next we'll focus on the Advent roadmap to redemption - so often, the word behold highlights an aspect of Jesus' coming and of the gospel. Last week we saw the heart of God as He literally entered our world - right into our chaos and heartache - to rescue us. This Sunday we'll highlight some lesser known Old Testament passages which speak to the beautifully unique advent and ministry of our Lord.

December 13, 2020: Behold! (Present in the Pain)

Advent 2020 series message 2

Text: Various

In this message and the next, we'll focus on the Advent roadmap to redemption; details of Christ's coming and ministry often follow the path of Behold! statements throughout Scripture.

This week we follow the heart of God as He brings healing to our pain. Salvation is certainly about forgiveness and reconciliation, but Jesus' coming reveals God's tender heart toward the weary and brokenhearted. We'll trace Behold! statements from Genesis to Revelation to see how God meets us in our pain with His great compassion and brings true healing through the gospel.

December 6, 2020: Behold!

2020 Advent series message 1

Text: Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 52:13 - 53:1

"Behold" is not used much these days but, in the past, it was used to arrest attention and point out something significant; something worth of paying close attention. I love how often this word is used in conjunction with the coming of the Lord, His ministry, and the gospel. It's my prayer that, as we highlight the usage of behold! during Advent season, we'll draw strength and again be wonderstruck by the power and uniqueness of the good news of Jesus Christ during a time of pandemic fatigue and stress.

November 22, 2020: Matters of the Heart Part 5

Sermon on the Mount series message 5

Text: Matthew 5:1-12

Jesus continues to give ground-breaking teachings, as He describes inner transformation and Kingdom living. We'll cover one of the most stunning statements in God's Word: Blessed are the pure in heart... The prophetic voices of the Old Testament are set against this notion - who could possibly be truly pure in heart? New Testament theology precludes such a possibility, for we are all dead in our trespasses and sins. However, if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation. Praise the Lord for the new birth and for the very gracious promise He gives: ...they shall see God.