November 8, 2020: Matters of the Heart - Part 3

Sermon on the Mount series message 3

Text: Matthew 5:6-7

In Jesus' first recorded discourse, He drops tremendous Kingdom principles which were entirely counter cultural both then and now. A hunger and thirst after righteousness is a powerful confirmation of the Spirit's gracious work in our hearts - we don't naturally possess that disposition! His call to show mercy parallels Paul's similar call in Ephesians to forgive as God in Christ forgave you.

October 25, 2020: Matters of the Heart

Sermon on the Mount series message 1

Text: Matthew 5:1-6

Jesus spoke to the heart. Knowing and following Him is not about checking off boxes in your religious checklist. Thriving in grace flows from a disposition of the heart. Jesus' first recorded discourse is both profoundly exhilarating and convicting.  During these trying times, we should pay close attention to what He says! 

October 18, 2020: Think About It

Ephesians series message 47

Text: Ephesians 6:21-24

As we wrap up this compelling letter, it's good for us to pause and think about it. Paul gives rich gospel doctrine. He wants us to know who we are in Christ, then he tells us how to live in light of said truths, and then also tells us to armor up in those very truths. A key concept in counseling is to recognize that emotions most often follow our thoughts or beliefs. We'll apply that concept on Sunday. Remember all those verses that tell us to renew our mind, to ponder God's Word, and to think on those things that are excellent? They are there because God knows our mind is the key battleground. We need to replace negative or harmful thought patterns with His life-giving and liberating truths - that which is true about us because we are in Christ. 

October 11, 2020: The Sword of the Spirit and Praying in the Spirit

Ephesians series message 46

Text: Ephesians 6:10-20

Our final message on God's Armor will focus on the only piece that is a weapon of offense - the sword. It is tied to the Word of God and thus, aptly named the sword of the Spirit. The power, practice, and preeminence of prayer is the perfect ending to this unparalleled passage on spiritual warfare. The goal is for us to be prompted to skillfully wield the sword of truth against Satan's lies and truly be a people of prayer. 

October 4, 2020: Helmet of Salvation

Ephesians series message 45

Text: Ephesians 6:10-20

In this message, we focus on the helmet of salvation. The helmet protects a most vulnerable and important part of our body - our brain, our mind! This is such an important piece of armor, a blow to the head can easily be fatal! We've touched on feelings and emotions, now it's time to talk about our mind - our thought processes (of course, they're all connected). Scripture has much to say about our mind - renewing our mind and how our adversary is a master at deception. Think of the world views permeating society today - most of which are contrary to the gospel. Paul is very concerned that we guard our mind, and he connects this piece to salvation. So much is in view here, and so much is lost when we do not  use the helmet of salvation! 

September 27, 202: The Gospel of Peace and the Shield of Faith

Ephesians series message 44

Text: Ephesians 6:10-20

Inn this message we tie together the pieces of armor we are to put on, and those we are to take up. Feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace enable me to move in concert with the glorious liberty of the gospel, and the shield of faith extinguishes the incoming flaming arrows from the devil.

September 20, 2020: The Breastplate of Righteousness

Ephesians series message 43

Text: Ephesians 6:14

God’s provision to combat the schemes of the devil is intrinsically tied to the glorious gospel truths so faithfully presented in Paul’s letter. The breast plate of righteousness is designed to safeguard the deepest part of who we are in the day of battle, protecting us against profound spiritual maladies encountered throughout our lives.

September 13, 2020: All Decked Out

Ephesians series message 42

Text: Ephesians 6:13

Thus far we have noted the reality of spiritual warfare and highlighted some of Satan‘s common schemes. Now we turn to God’s wonderful provision; His armor. We cannot stand idly by and think that God will just work things out. We have a responsibility to understand what the armor is, how to use it, and to put it all on! We will begin talking about the specifics of the armor. 

September 6, 2020: Why is This So Hard?

Ephesians series message 41

Text: Ephesians 6:10-12

When life is full of difficulties and distractions, sometimes we lose sight of the spiritual warfare that surrounds us. Before we engage God's provision in our passage - the armor of God - let's first talk about the necessary disposition and mindset for every Christian. The New Testament is replete with commands such as be alert, be sober-minded, and be watchful. We must not be aloof in this process, but fully engaged and laser-focused. 

August 30, 2020: The Schemes of the Devil

Ephesians series message 40

Text: Ephesians 6:10-20

As we examine Paul's teaching on spiritual warfare, our focus will be on one phrase: "the schemes of the devil". Sports teams scope out their opponents to prepare for game day, and we should do no differently. As we keep in step with the Spirit, it is so helpful to know Satan's schemes so he doesn't catch us off guard. Yes he is a formidable foe, but he is also a defeated foe: greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world! 

August 23, 2020: Be Strong in the Lord!

Ephesians series message 39

Text: Ephesians 6:10-12

For Christians, to walk in a manner worthy of our calling, we must both be filled with the Spirit AND suited up. No other passage in all Scripture explains spiritual warfare with such clarity, while providing the defense to Satan's wiles: put on the whole armor of God. In this message, we'll present the real characteristics of spiritual warfare so we can properly understand how to put on the armor of God. 

August 16, 2020: Godly Living

Ephesians series message 38

Text: Ephesians 6:1-9

Paul continues to address godly living in specific life settings. We also review key gospel truths in this letter in preparation for beginning our exposition of spiritual warfare and spiritual armor in the weeks to come.

August 2, 2020: The Air We Breathe

Text: Philippians 3:8-17

Becoming and developing as disciples doesn’t just happen; it takes intentionality and help all along the way. Paul shows us the mindset of a disciple in Philippians. He models what the church should strive for as a whole, the culture we should build, and how it is passed to following generations. Are we ready to follow Paul’s example and get in the trenches and live life together, as messy as it might be? Jesus commissioned the work with all of the authority of the Son of God raised from the dead and seated next to the Father. The apostles began the work laying the foundation of the gospel. Today we, the church, continue to build on that foundation one disciple at a time. How do we make this our culture, at DBC, in our families, and beyond? That is what we will explore in this message.

July 26, 2020: Marriage Matters

Ephesians series message 37

Text: Ephesians 5:21-33

Time to make specific application - Paul is relentless in showing us how doctrine forms our convictions in every area of our life. He takes two concepts recently discussed, love and submission, and uses them to paint a moving picture of what marriage can be. And, in case we're wondering, marriage principles are gospel principles. We'll see how this all matters - even outside our homes. 

July 19, 2020: The How Behind the What

Ephesians series message 36

Text: Ephesians 5:18-22

Paul has shown us the high calling God has on the Christian - to live his or her life all to the glory of God. This makes sense because in Christ we are a new creation - the old has passed, and the new has come. Along the way, Paul's given us guidance on how to pursue these kingdom priorities. But now he begins to lay down some serious tracks that will form our disposition and perspective, put a song in our heart, and grant the supernatural strength we need for the journey.

July 12, 2020: Be Wise!

Ephesians series message 35

Text: Ephesians 5:15-17

Paul continues to hammer home and develop his central thesis for the second half of his letter: walk in a manner worthy of your calling. He goes beyond naming specific vices to avoid and virtues to aspire to; we must apply wisdom because life does not come to us neatly wrapped in a bow. We must be intentional in our walk with the Lord, knowing we live in evil times, and strive to know the Lord's will in all that we do. 

July 5, 2020: Children of Light

Ephesians series message 34

Text: Ephesians 5:7-14

The consistent call of God in each generation is for His people to walk in a manner worthy of their calling. Paul says this, in so many ways, just in Ephesians alone: walk in a manner worthy of your callingno longer walk as the Gentiles doput off the old & put on the new, and walk as children of light. It's the latter that we'll consider in this message, with special attention given to the corollary given in Israel's deliverance from Egypt. The Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Passover meal provide a blueprint for every generation to follow. 

June 28, 2020: Don't Be Deceived!

Ephesians series message 33

Text: Ephesians 5:3-7

How do we walk in a manner worthy of our calling? Paul began by speaking to community issues - how my actions affect other people. Now he speaks to sins which are self-indulgent and fueled by lust and greed, which must be replaced with thanksgiving. He adds a dire warning; one he clearly talked about with them in person. (Acts 20): An unchanged life with continual unbroken sin is a fraud and does not bear the evidence of the indwelling work of the Spirit.