June 21, 2020: Love, Love, Love!

Ephesians series message 32

Text: Ephesians 5:1-2

Paul sums up what he's been telling us in chapter four with this simple command: live a life of love. What's compelling is what we find around that statement. This is how we imitate God. The standard of love is Christ's love expressed to us. His service and sacrifice was a pleasing aroma to God. In this context, love is not a fluffy or fleeting feeling. Love is determined, intentional, and willing to do heavy lifting. It is worth focusing on this one passage to fully understand this statement, we need it so desperately in society today.

June 14, 2020: A Better Way!

Ephesians series message 31

Text: Ephesians 4:31-32

Paul moves from general injunctions to more specific instructions. We
all need to hear this! By the power of the Spirit and in the hope of
the gospel, we are to replace vices such as bitterness and wrath and
become kind and tenderhearted towards one another. That's real
transformation! It develops as we have the spirit of our mind renewed
in the truth and hope of God's Word.

June 7, 2020: Don't Grieve the Spirit

Ephesians series message 30

Text: Ephesians 4:30

We'll spend our time unpacking this one magnificent verse. Once again we are reminded that God's Spirit lives inside of us, an earnest of our inheritance. What a gracious injunction - now that God is in you, the One you lean on for salvation, do not grieve Him. A powerful reminder that the Spirit is not an "it", He's a "He." We'll look at various ways we can grieve Him and how to avoid that. This verse is a powerful why behind our Christian ethic, and unlocks the key to Christian sanctification. 

May 31, 2020: Practical Instruction

Ephesians series message 29

Text: Ephesians 4:25-29

We've looked at the general admonitions to walk in a manner worthy of our calling. We understand that there is a difference between light and darkness. We know we can no longer walk in our old ways but must constantly have the spirit of our minds renewed. With that disposition, Paul starts filling in the details. He addresses lying, stealing, anger, and speech and tethers them to specific reasons why certain behaviors are completely incompatible with the new life.

May 24, 2020: Let There Be Light!

Ephesians series message 28

Text: Ephesians 5:8

We’re skipping forward a bit in this message because it's worth developing a theme which plays predominately in Ephesians and complements recent injunctions: walk in a manner worthy of your calling, and put on the new self. Another way of viewing this is to understand that we were once darkness but now must walk as children of light. It's both fascinating and compelling to see how this contrast is developed and utilized throughout Scripture. 

May 17, 2020: Put On the New!

Ephesians series message 27

Text: Ephesians 4:20 - 24

"Put on the new self" (or, put on the Lord Jesus Christ - from Romans) is our daily priority during our brief pilgrimage to glory. Yes, we are casting away our old way of living but we are also replacing that with our new self each and every day. God has been so good to us. We have a future. A beautiful and never ending future - with Christ, away from everything that is hurtful in this life. That's what motivates us to life in this way. We do so because God has shown us His grace and mercy! 

May 3, 2020: Flesh It Out

Ephesians series message 25

Text: Ephesians 4:17-24

"No longer walk...put on the new self..." Few passages sum up the Christian life like this one - out with the old, in with the new. We must no longer live like we used to or like those who don't know the Lord. We are united with Christ and sealed with His Spirit, so we have everything we need for life and godliness. In this message we'll paint with a broad brush and then drill down deeper next week to more fully extract the abiding principles of this transformational passage. 

April 26, 2020: Christian Unity

Ephesians series message 24

Text: Ephesians 4:7-16

Christ is our champion; the author and perfecter of our faith. HE has come, HE is victorious, and HE has given us His Spirit. We'll focus on the desired end of the gifts and leaders God's given to the church: spiritual maturity and doctrinal purity. Paul has just urged us to maintain the unity of the Spirit which involves demonstrating meekness and patience with one another. Authentic Christian unity is built upon sound doctrine and spiritual growth. In a word, discipleship.

April 19, 2020: Church Foundations

Ephesians series message 23

Text: Ephesians 4:7-16

We'll spend two weeks on this passage. This Sunday we'll lay the groundwork for the different gifts/offices within the church, and what it means that Christ descended to the lower regions. God uses people and their unique gifts and offices to build up the church and prepare her for ministry. If we are going to walk in the manner worthy of our calling, we need order in God's House to facilitate this. Next week we'll continue with the desired end: that Christians mature and are not tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. 

April 12, 2020: The Truth About the Resurrection

Text: Acts 2:29-36

The early church was no stranger to pandemics, natural catastrophes, and persecution - they were well acquainted. The resurrection formed their entire worldview; it's where they drew their strength and courage. Jesus stood in the place of sinners, but God would not abandon Him to the grave. God freed Him from the agony of death. It was impossible for death to keep its hold on Him! Our Lord and Savior now stands in glory, having sent the promised Holy Spirit who is the earnest of our inheritance!  

April 5, 2020: Laments

Text: Psalm 13

As we approach Resurrection Sunday, we will step away from Ephesians to address biblical laments. Just as the rain falls on the just and the unjust, so too God’s people experience plagues, pestilences, and various tribulations. God always invites us to cast our burdens upon Him, because He cares for us. We will examine the prayers of the saints of old in the context of our Christian hope; our heavenly inheritance - the basis of which we celebrate on Resurrection Sunday. 

March 29, 2020: Walk With Purpose!

Ephesians series message 22

Text: Ephesians 4:2-6

A key aspect of walking in a manner worthy of our calling is to promote unity within the body of Christ through honoring and supporting others in all that we say and do. That's our focus this Sunday! It's not always easy and sometimes it's downright difficult but, particularly during these uncertain times, it's absolutely crucial.

March 22, 2020: Walk Worthy!

Ephesians series message 21

Text: Ephesians 4:1

One word this Sunday: walk. We used to walk according to the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air. Now everything's different. We've been redeemed and God's Spirit lives in us. Now, we are to walk the opposite direction, in a manner worthy of our calling to eternal glory in Christ Jesus. Moment by moment, we need to learn to walk by the Spirit in each and every situation! In our current Covid-19 reality, how would we think and act differently, knowing that we are called to glory! Remember, Paul just literally reminded us that God is able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or imagine, according to His power at work in us! 

March 15, 2020: Far More Abundantly!

Ephesians series message 20

Text: Ephesians 3:20-21

Blessed with every spiritual blessing, chosen in eternity, redeemed by the Son, indwelt by the Spirit, and gifted a heavenly inheritance. The unsearchable riches of Christ and God's love beyond comprehension: what is the logical conclusion to it all for the Ephesians? God is awesome, and able to do far more than we ask or imagine! Stop putting God in a box. Walk by the Spirit and don't be afraid to ask and expect great things of God!

March 8, 2020: Rooted and Grounded!

Ephesians series message 19

Text: Ephesians 3:17-19

Paul is preparing us well to walk in a manner worthy of our calling. He's shown us the towering grandeur of our heavenly inheritance and the unsearchable riches of Christ. He's prayed for us, that Christ would dwell in our hearts by faith. Now, he prays that we would be baptized (my word choice) into the love of God. How else can we be the hands and feet of Christ to others, but to immerse ourselves into the love God has for us and live securely in it? Knowing and believing that we are immeasurably loved by God is what prepares and enables us to love others well.

March 1, 2020: Strength for the Journey

Ephesians series message 18

Text: Ephesians 3: 14-19

Before laying down some Christian ethics, there is one more stop along the way; more prayer for the Ephesians. He prays specifically that we will be strengthened in the inner-man by the glorious hope of the gospel AND that we will be baptized (my word) in love. Not just any love - GOD'S love. Where Christian ethic is lacking, often there is a corresponding lack of Christian hope, or Christian love

February 23, 2020: The Church!

Ephesians series message 17

Text: Ephesians 3:10-13

When you think of church, what comes to mind? Paul says God's boundless wisdom is on full display through the workings of the gospel. Angels are served notice as they stoop to more fully comprehend God's splendiferous power and wisdom made most visible in redeemed sinners - both Jew and Gentile. The church is born from God's eternal purposes, and is the pinnacle of His love, kindness, power, justice, and grace. It is the focal point of God's ministry in the world today and the saints will be His trophies of grace throughout eternity. Our hope is surely not in human wisdom or wealth or power. Let us learn to love and nurture THE CHURCH! 

February 9, 2020: God's Truth God's Way

Ephesians series message 15

Text: Ephesians 3:1-6

Our passage this week and next contains truths that are profoundly important for us to grasp. Paul is winding down the letter's foundation of theology and will soon turn to Christian ethics and what it looks like to follow Christ. As he teaches the "mystery" of Jew and Gentile together, comprising the people of God, and the necessity of special revelation, which brings it to light, let us not overlook the term heir. It is a stupendous gospel truth which sets the stage for the practical truths to come. Indeed, Paul is laying down tracks which inform and comfort us as we say "no" to sin, accept suffering, and endeavor to love our neighbor well.