February 2, 2020: Family!

Ephesians series message 14

Text: Ephesians 2:17-22

Jesus preaches peace through the gospel because the gospel reconciles us to God and puts us in His family. We Gentiles were formerly aliens to God's people but now fellow-citizens. More than that, we are citizens of heaven and pilgrims passing through this world! We - God's people - are a holy temple held together by Christ, to the praise of His glorious grace. 

January 26, 2020: No Longer on the Outside

Ephesians series message 13

Text: Ephesians 2:11-17

Our salvation is awesome! God raised us up from the deadness of our sinful nature and gave us an eternal inheritance in Christ. But, there's more. For most of us, we were not only dead in sins but completely outside of the covenants and promise. We were without hope. Christ has brought us near through his precious blood. In Jesus, walls come down! 

January 19, 2020: By Grace, Through Faith

Ephesians series message 12

Text: Ephesians 2:8-10

We bring to a close this remarkable section which speaks to our salvation from heaven's perspective. The mighty power of God is displayed in us by His raising us from the dead to new life. By His power, our eternity is sealed and we can expect to see His life manifested in us now as He conforms us to the image of His Son, from one degree of glory to another. We are saved by grace, and faith is the mechanism by which God accomplishes this. Boasting is excluded, 100%, so none of this is by our works or efforts. 

January 12, 2020: Grace, Executed

Ephesians series message 11

Text: Ephesians 2:4-7

What a contrast our text brings! When we were dead in our sins, God made us alive together with Christ! This is grace executed - dead in sin to dead to sin! Forever we will be showcased as examples of God's great kindness and grace. In this message, we'll focus on the transformative power of grace in our lives. 

January 5, 2020: Grace Magnified Pt. 2

Ephesians series message 10

Text: Ephesians 2:1-3

Grace is magnified as we roll from Paul's prayer in Ephesians one to an in-depth analysis of the human condition. Contrary to our modern perspective, mankind is entirely sinful, alienated from God, and completely unable to please Him in his natural sinful condition and disposition. The only Holy One fulfilled all righteousness into his adult years before offering Himself to save sinners - that's the beauty and simplicity of the gospel. As continue our analysis and application of human nature from Ephesians 2:1-3, we begin to comprehend just how marvelous and staggering God's grace truly is. Without it, we are dead in our sins and without hope - in this life and in the one to come. 

December 29, 2019: Grace Magnified

Ephesian series message 9

Text: Ephesians 2:1-3

Grace is magnified as we roll from Paul's prayer in Ephesians one to an in-depth analysis of the human condition. Contrary to our modern perspective, mankind is entirely sinful, alienated from God, and completely unable to please Him in his natural sinful condition and disposition. There is a stark contrast between the Holy One we preached on last week and those He came to redeem. Our desperate need for a Savior truly highlights everything we cherish in this Advent Season. 

December 22, 2019: The Holy One

Text: Luke 1:26-38

Our Advent message ties into our series in Ephesians regarding salvation. Our inheritance in Christ Jesus' birth is unique because He is unique and appeared in Bethlehem to accomplish a unique work! Only He could get the job done; that's why celebrating His birth brings such comfort and joy. 

December 15, 2019: God's Mighty Power

Ephesians series message 8

Text: Ephesians 1:15-23

This Sunday we'll wrap up our consideration of Paul's prayer in Ephesians and focus on the greatness of God’s power toward us as He works out every aspect of our salvation. It is a great comfort and encouragement to us as we work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Our Advent-themed Scripture reading tells us that Jesus came to save his people from their sins. That He did - and marvelously so. It is precisely that which we will celebrate on Sunday. 

December 8, 2019: A Prayer for Believers

Ephesians series message 7

Text: Ephesians 1:15-23

This Sunday we conclude our attention to Paul's prayer in chapter one. He prays that we would have God's power to experientially know three breathtaking gospel truths: 1) the hope of our calling 2) riches of God's inheritance 3) God's power towards us how believe. What greater way to celebrate the advent of the holy one than to rejoice in His work for us! 

December 1, 2019: What's Necessary

Ephesians series message 6

Text: Ephesians 1:15-23

In Sunday's rare Redskins victory, the rookie QB got lost in the moment and forgot their was still time on the clock for one final play. He was celebrating and taking selfies with the fans! The coaches rushed in the backup QB to take a knee and run out the clock. Who could blame him? It was his first win as a professional athlete when every news outlet had been writing off the team as hapless and hopeless. It's easy to forget the joy of the Lord and to lose our first love - ask the Ephesians, they know all about it. That's why Paul takes time to pray for them after his soaring doxology - "don't forget!" he says. "Know this in your heart and cherish it, so they joy of the Lord will be your strength in all that you do." Paul's prayer for the Ephesians has three main petitions: 1) that they would "know" the hope they've been called to 2) that they would know His glorious inheritance 3) that they would know His incomparably great power for us. It shows us the depth and breadth of the gospel, where our focus should be, and how we can pray for others.

November 17, 2019: Our Inheritance

Ephesians series message 5

Text: Ephesians 1:9-14

We'll conclude this breathtaking doxology with an emphasis on the work of the Holy Spirit in our salvation. We've examined eternity past, now we peer into our eternity future - our inheritance guaranteed by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Once again, Paul reminds us we've been predestined to glory. I pray these truths edify us all as we give them due consideration.

November 10, 2019: Redeemed By His Blood

Ephesians series message 4

Text: Ephesians 1:7-10

In this great doxological burst of praise, Paul now shows us the role of the second Person of the Godhead, known redemptively as the Son. We have redemption through His blood. This is the very core of the gospel and the brilliance of the good news. Special attention will be given to the game changer in the prior text in which Jesus is referred to as "the Beloved'. Such deep and powerful truths for us on Sunday!

November 3, 2019: Behind the Curtain

Ephesians series message 3

Text: Ephesians 1:5-6

Paul gives a breathtaking view into our common salvation from heaven's perspective as he bursts into his doxology. The role of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are clearly laid out so we can gain much comfort and encouragement that God will finish the work He began in us. On Sunday we'll focus on God the Father's role in redemption.

October 27, 2019: Anchored in Truth

Ephesians series message 2

Text: Ephesians 1:3

We might cover more than verse three, but it's the key verse for the book and the fulcrum upon which the entirety of its theology and application flows. What glorious truths - "in Christ" we are blessed in the heavenlies with all spiritual blessings! Our faith looks beyond the temporal to eternity, giving us strength and perspective for the here-and-now. It's rooted in who we are in Christ.

October 13, 2019: A Heavenly Banquet

Ephesians series message 1

Text: Ephesians 1:1-2

And so we begin our journey through Paul's epistle to the Ephesian church. He begins with a note of praise, summoning us to the soaring heights of God's grace and showing us the unalterable and glorious destiny of every single believer. On Sunday we'll set the stage for this incredible letter and ponder the rich truth contained in the opening lines.