February 15, 2015: It's Time!

Ecclesiastes Series message 5

Text: Ecclesiastes 3:1-4

For many, this passage brings great comfort as we see a rythmn in the seasons and events of life. But the truth is, while it does contain comforting thoughts, it is designed to jolt us to reality. There are some things in life we control and much that we don't. Wisdom guides us in how to navigate through challenging situations, but if we seek happiness and satisfaction only under the sun, we are fools. We'll weave in thoughts regarding eternity and revival, seeing how the Gospel changes absolutely everything and brings unspeakable joy in the midst of both chaos and the mundane. It is always time to seek the Lord! I have so enjoyed hearing from many of you, of your hunger and thirst to go deeper with Him. Christine and I are praying that the Lord will revive us individually and corporately - thanks for praying alongside us and the elders to that end! Our worship service starts promptly at 10 AM - let's show up early, ready to worship God and hear from Him.

It's Time!

February 8, 2015: Why Wisdom?

Ecclesiates Series message 4

Ecclesiastes 7:19

Our perspective influences our priorities, which in turn fuel our pursuits. What informs a godly world-view and eternal perspective? Wisdom. And since Christ is, to us, the wisdom of God, to pursue wisdom is to pursue Christ. We'll address what it means to live wisely in a temporal world with passing pleasures; tying together priorities, pursuit, perspective, and wisdom.

Why Wisdom?

February 1, 2015: Eternity in Our Hearts

Ecclesiastes Series message 3

Text: Ecc. 3:18-21

The past two weeks we have considered our priorities and pursuits, key themes in Ecclesiastes. The Preacher reminds us that we all die and will most likely not be remembered by most. The first few chapters of Ecclesiastes are hard hitting! However, this book is only one of sixty six books in the Bible, and it is crucial to merge truths from this book with the others. Ecclesiastes deals with the temporal, but others address eternity. The message of Ecclesiastes is heightened by eternity, but it is also made so much sweeter for the Christian. On Sunday we will consider the great theme of eternity throughout all of God's Word to give a proper platform to understand the Preacher's wisdom. My prayer is that we all leave inspired, encouraged and convicted as we consider our life priorities and pursuits on Sunday.

Eternity in Our Hearts

January 25, 2015: The Pursuit

Ecclesiastes Series message 2

Text: Ecc. 2:1-11

Last week we looked at priorities. What we prioritize is what we pursue in life. This Sunday we'll look at three pursuits: Solomon's pursuit of folly, God's pursuit of us, and our pursuit of Christ. They're all tied together! We'll examine not only what we should be pursuing, but how we should pursue.

The Pursuit

January 18, 2015: Vanity!

Ecclesiastes Series message 1

Text: Ecc. 1:2

Beginning this Sunday, we will sit under the tutelage of one known as Qoheleth. This title means one who gathers people together for the purpose of teaching wisdom; your Bible probably renders this title as preacher. He had a lot of good things to say, all highly applicable to us today. We often chase the wrong things to satisfy the pain or emptiness inside. Some of the things we run after aren't bad, they just don't last. They make life more enjoyable, but they are not an end in themselves. We will live forever, but many of life's pursuits are temporary. We'll weave Qoheleth's wisdom in with the eternal hope and comfort which the Gospel brings.


January 11, 2015: Take 12!

What is the Bible all about? This Sunday, I have chosen 12 verses (some small passages) which convey the story-line and message of the Bible. Ten verses was just not enough. My prayer is that it will provide a concise reference for you when talking with others. May I also encourage you to try to map this out as well, prior to Sunday? It's a good exercise. I would also love to see what some of you come up with - it always amazes me how different people think differently and in their own unique ways, bringing out interesting perspectives and approaches to something like this. I'm sure there will also be some favorite verses tucked in there, as well.

Take 12!

January 4, 2015: Community Development

Various Texts

The first message of the year often promotes a vision or key concept for that year. Without a doubt, I want to see our Christian community developed within DBC. We'll discuss God's purpose in the church and His design to flesh out His purposes. Key verses will include Ephesians 3:10, Philippians 1:27, I Corinthians 12:12-13, and Hebrews 10:24-25. We'll crown our time by marking Communion together.

Community Development

December 28, 2014: Let it Go!

Text: Romans 6:1-2 and Hebrews 12:1-3

We've heard this phrase a lot in 2014, I'd like to apply it differently on Sunday. Before we say good-bye to 2014 and ring in a new year, let's be sure we're leaving behind the sin and weights which only stunt our spiritual growth and dishonor our Heavenly Father. A solid foundation for a new year includes ensuring sinful or bad habits don't convey.

Let It Go!

December 21, 2014: Heaven's Champion

Text: Isaiah 11:1-3

To save us from our sin and to give us eternal hope, only one would do for the job. That's why the Son of God appeared to destroy the works of the devil. Holy ones spoke of Him and His advent was the fulfillment of so many prophecies. This Sunday we will look at our glorious Savior as we celebrate His birth in Bethlehem; an additional text will be Hebrews 1:6. When life feels overwhelming, casting our gaze on our all-sufficient Savior brings encouragement, perspective and strength.

Heaven's Champion

December 14, 2014: The Manger in the Rear-View Mirror

Acts Series message 42

Text: Acts 28:31

Acts: So what? Such an important question to ask! We've learned about the earliest history of the Christian church, so how do we benefit from this knowledge? What traits do we see in them that we should emulate today? As Acts closes, the Bethlehem manger scene is now in the rear view mirror. As we celebrate our Savior's birth this month, what became of His earthly ministry? How did He continue to minister after He ascended? We'll identify a number of specific themes that we need to pay attention to and remember - it's all very encouraging! This is our final message in Acts.

The Manger in the Rear-View Mirror

November 30, 2014: Paul: An Example of Christian Gratitude

Acts Series message 41

Text: I Thessalonians 5:16-18

In the hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season, it is good for us to reflect on the Lord's kindness towards us. The very season which points to gratitude can often cause the most stress! We've just finished the history of the earliest Christians in Acts. How did the champion of the faith show thankfulness in his life? We'll look at challenges Paul faced and his responses to them.

Paul: An Example of Christian Gratitude

November 23, 2014: Not There!

Acts Series message 40

Text: I Corinthians 15:3-7 and Romans 1:1-4 (among others)

This Sunday we will focus on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. What exactly do we mean by the resurrection? Why is it so important? What else in the Bible hinges on this crucial doctrine? And, is it "blind faith" to hold this belief? We will examine these questions through various texts on Sunday. This will be the first of a few messages, which will help us tie up and apply what we've learned in Acts.

Not There!

November 16, 2014: Back Where We Began

Acts Series message 38

Text: Acts 28:11-31

We close out this great history of the earliest Christians in the same way we began: speaking of the Kingdom of God. Luke details the explosive beginning of the Christian church, the transformative power of the Gospel, and and the spreading of the Christian message from Jerusalem all throughout the known world at the time. Paul accepts all visitors, and freely and boldly proclaims that for which he has suffered so much: the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Back Where We Began

November 9, 2014: But God

Acts series message 37

Text: Acts 28:1-10

While in Malta Paul encounters a viper, and that encounter highlights an age-old error. We'll see how the Gospel frees us from the slavery of working harder and doing better, and invites us to rest in His grace.

But God

November 2, 2014: The Grace of God in the Crossroads

Acts series message 36

Text: Acts 27

This chapter is all about a shipwreck. Like any good story, there are decision points and forks in the road. At any one point, the account could take an unexpected twist and head in a completely different direction. We'll look at the decision points and how the grace and protection of God was manifest in Paul's life (and by extension, his shipmates). We'll make practical application to our own lives and particularly to our experiences and challenges in parenting.

The Grace of God in the Crossroads

October 26, 2014: God's Sovereignty - Where Hope Eclipses Despair

Acts series message 35

Text: Acts 25:13-26:32

On Sunday, we'll see Paul stand trial once again. A theme we'll draw out of this text is God's sovereignty. It would be easy for Paul to be troubled by yet another trial and more false accusations. Prison time again - yay. The truth though, is that God was working His plan in these troubles as He furthered the Gospel. We can take great comfort and find hope as we reflect on God's sovereignty. In life's surprises and disappointments, God is on His throne - causing all things to work together for the good to those who love Him, to those who are called according to His purpose.

God's Sovereignty - Where Hope Eclipses Despair

October 12, 2014: Oh, How He Loves Me!

Text:Isaiah 53

Last week we looked at Scripture's view on the conscience, as Paul said he strove to keep his conscience clear before God and man. This week we'll analyze his message and how it flows from the Old Testament. A key phrase is Ephesians 1:7, in him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins. Such a beautifully simple statement, yet profound and majestic in what it represents! We'll head back to the Old Testament to a well-known passage to unpack this further. My prayer is that this passage will leave it's mark this weekend. Our next theme in Paul's trials will be the sovereignty of God in our lives; it's easy to wonder where God is in our trials and life situations. Imagine how Paul felt as he was yanked from one trial to another... same false accusations coming his way with plenty of time to think about it while stuck in prison.

Oh How He Loves Me!

October 5, 2014: The Conscience

Acts Series message 34

Text: Acts 24:22 - 25:12

In Acts 24, Felix takes a personal interest in Paul and his message. He's alarmed by what he hears, but delays action and subsequently never responds in repentance to Christ. We'll tie in Pauls' references to maintaining a clear conscience - why it's important and how to do that. Felix is a perfect example of someone who is confronted with the truth but delays action and therefore lives with a conscience that's tainted.

The Conscience