September 28, 2014: What's the Fuss All About?

Acts Series message 33

Text: Acts 24:1-21

Paul is now giving his defense before Felix to counter the Jews' accusations against him. His primary point is that his hope is in the same God theirs is in. Christianity does not conflict with the Hebrew Scriptures; it perfectly fulfills it. This gives us opportunity to speak to the Bible as a unified and cohesive unit. We'll also talk specifically about the resurrection and maintaining a clear conscience.

What's All the Fuss About?

September 21, 2014: Jerusalem in the Rear-view Mirror

Acts Series message 32

Text: Acts 22:30 - 23

The Tribune is afraid that the Jewish leaders will tear Paul to pieces, literally, so he removes him, and puts him in bonds. Paul's nephew tips off the Tribune to an assassination attempt, so the Tribune makes plans to transport Paul to see Felix. We'll focus on the nature of the drama (resurrection) and develop some personal application based on Paul's nephew's involvement - a character which Luke references.

Jerusalem in the Rear view Mirror

September 14, 2014: Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So!

Acts Series message 31

Text: Acts 22:1-29

In Paul's defense of the Gospel I'm struck by three key and practical truths: The new is better than the old. Paul was the poster boy for Judaism and showed his zeal by trying his best to stamp out The Way. But in the end, He converted and will never go back. The beginning of the new is the end of the old. We'll have a refresher on the fundamentals of the faith; Paul was willing to suffer and die for these truths. Suffering for Jesus. Against the prosperity gospel, the mouthpiece for Christianity was told up front he'd suffer. We have the privilege of sharing in the sufferings of Christ as well as the power of the resurrection. Baptism. This is a beautiful picture, of the old being washed away as we identify with the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior!

Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So

August 31, 2014: Paul, the Law, and the Gospel

Acts Series message 30

Text: Acts 21

After meeting with the Ephesians elders, Paul pushes to get back to Jerusalem at a strategic time. The Jewish leaders now hunt down the man, who was previously the poster-child for Judaism. He is well aware of what awaits him in Jerusalem, but by God's grace is determined to herald the Gospel in this important city (though Luke and the others beg him not to go!). While seeing Paul's ministry, we will measure our own zeal for what Christ has called us to. We must not be lukewarm!

Paul, the Law, and the Gospel

August 24, 2014: A Man Worth Following

Acts Series message 29

Text: Acts 20

We start with the humorous account of poor Eutychus falling asleep in the stuffy upper room as Paul went on and on. Paul lays on him as Elijah did with the widow's son, and his life is spared. Luke's attention to detail (noting the numerous lamps in the room) point to the historicity of this account; then we'll note the prominence given to the Word alongside the ordinances. We'll focus our time on Paul's parting shot to the Ephesian elders, which culminates with the beautiful picture of them all weeping as they kneel down on the beach to pray. Again, the prominence of the Word: it is to this Word, along with the grace of God, which Paul commends them to

A Man Worth Following

August 10, 2014: Gospel Impact

Text: Acts 19:23-41

Acts Series message 28

The Gospel's impact is being felt as people abandon their idol worship and the city turns on the disciples. When we begin following Christ, we always leave something else behind and the impact is felt by those around us. We'll take a look Sunday at the scope of the Gospel - how it impacts and changes us. Paul describes this process as a comes with challenges, setbacks, temptations, loss, and sorrows of many kinds. Yet, by His grace, He sustains and helps us. Paul further said, "the Lord will rescue me from every evil deed and bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. Amen."

Gospel Impact

August 3, 2014: Out With The Old - In With The New

Acts Series message 27

Text: Acts 19:1-22

Paul is now in Ephesus and encounters people who have only had John's baptism. He sets them straight, they are baptized into the Name of Jesus, and the Spirit falls on them. All of this is further evidence of the Lord's hand upon Paul's message, including the extraordinary miracles performed through him; this is not a pattern to be expected today. The seven sons of Sceva provide great comic relief in this passage while demonstrating the power of the Gospel. We'll focus on the Ephesians getting rid of their past relics. While some of this is taken too far, it's healthy to make a clean break with things which only pull us down in our new life in Christ.

Out With the Old In With the New

July 27, 2014: Why Who I Am Informs What I Do

Acts Series message 26

Text: Acts 18:18-28

Last week we looked at the Corinthian church: their problems, and the encouragement Paul gave them. I hope that was encouraging to you; you're not alone if you struggle to flesh out your faith. This week, we'll note Paul's visit to Ephesus, another church highlighed in our New Testament. Paul had much to say to them; declaring their identity in Jesus Christ. He spends three chapters highlighting the amazing truths about our common salvation, then spends the remaining three chapters telling us "therefore", how to live it all out. His personal applicaiton for us is immensely practical to our relationships and lifestyle. Couched in the middle of all this are two beautiful prayers for the saints. We'll be sure to catch some of the details in our text, but will focus on Paul's words to the church in Ephesus, which was an important port city with a famous pagan temple to the goddess Diana.

Why Who I Am Informs What I Do

July 20, 2014: You're Not Alone!

Acts Series message 25

Text: Acts 18:1-17

Paul is here visiting Corinth. We know a lot about the Corinthians as Paul wrote two inspired letters to them. They loved Jesus and had their fair share of struggles and challenges. They didn't have all their ducks lined neatly in a row and things were messy at times. The had Lord graciously saved them from their sin, and now  they were working out their salvation and, through the challenges, they didn't always get it right! Ever feel that way? You love Him, but life can be... messy at times. We're in the process of being sanctified, but we haven't arrived yet, and we sure don't have it all figured out. Welcome to the Club.

You're Not Alone

July 6, 2014: Authentic Gospel Ministry

Acts Series message 23 (Guest Speaker Jason Purdy)

Text: Acts 17:1-15

Paul and Silas arrive in Thessalonica preaching the gospel. As some believe, the Jews are quick to stir up trouble and accuse Paul and other Christ followers of treason. Paul is forced to leave and go to Berea where he finds a noble group ready to examine the Scriptures to get the facts about Jesus. As opposition continues so does authentic gospel ministry. In this passage, we will see that the Bible is the all-sufficient source for gospel ministry and how to view opposition as an opportunity for the gospel.

Authentic Gospel Ministry

June 29, 2014: Bad Things to the Good - Good Things to the Bad

Acts Series message 22 (Guest Speaker - Dave Neff)

Text: Acts 16:16-40

God is sovereign over all events, working all things out for His glory.

Paul & Silas are beaten and thrown in jail for casting out a demon. While their ordeal was terrible, the situation is used by God to lead the jailer and his family to salvation. So then, a bad thing happened to good people (Paul and Silas) so that a good thing could happen to a bad person (the jailer). There is shadow of the Gospel here, in that a bad thing happened to the best Person, so that a good thing could happen to us! Key themes in this passage include God’s sovereignty, salvation by grace through faith in Christ, baptism, joy in trials and being others focused. Lots of ground to cover!

Bad Things to the Good - Good Things to the Bad

June 8, 2014: Welcome to the Family

Acts Series message 20 (Pastor Mike Speer)

Text: Acts 15:22-41

The Gentile church in Antioch has been unsettled by teachers that said they did not measure up. Now the church in Jerusalem is sending men with the good news that by God's grace they are certainly brothers and sisters in Christ. All they ask is that they abstain from four things for the sake of love and purity. How does the church at Antioch respond? They rejoice! They are accepted by grace and they respond in grace. God's grace is on display in this passage and when we live in His grace it changes how we view our world today.

Welcome the the Family

June 1, 2014: Jerusalem Council: An Identity Forged

Acts Series message 19

Text: Acts 15

It's cool that the Gentiles were being added to the church. The apostles loved sharing the stories of these conversions, even in Samaria. But after the novelty wore off, some wanted to rope the Gentiles with some Jewish practices. The larger problem was that they wanted to make it a salvation issue. A council was convenened, and very practical advice was given. It was a stake in the ground, and the church flourished becasue of it. In modern times, legalism often creeps into the church. "Yes, Jesus died for your sins and we are saved by grace. But... you must do this and you can't touch this and stay away from that and never talk with them..." Before we know it, Christianity is not defined by the the grace and power of our Lord Jesus Christ, but, but by a list a mile long that we never meausure up to anyway.

Jerusalem Council: An Identity Forged

May 25, 2014: His Prescription for Our Tribulations

Acts Series message 18

Text: Acts 14:19-28

We pick up the action with Paul being left for dead after being stoned for his witness. He went on to encourage the new believers to remain true to the faith. The hardships they face were legion this side of glory. The same can be said of us. I have been touched by Luke's coverage of these events, as he shows a very human side to the early Christiains in their struggles. In the midst of all this, Paul appoints elders for each church. We'll examine why this is so important in God's work in our lives - both then and now.

His Prescription for Our Tribulations