Well our name is Derwood BIBLE Church. We're striving to be in the Word regularly this year. What we hold in our hands - or on our mobile devices - is God's wisdom given to us, living words. Powerful words. Transforming words. Divinely inspired truth, woven together through the temperaments and life experiences of the ancients. More than 40 men, over a period of roughly 1,500 years, penned the library of books we call the Bible (which means, library).
How do we take this book in? How do we read it meaningfully, thoughtfully? We see the early Christians gladly suffering and even dying for Christ. How do I derive joy from my meditation on His Word? How can I draw strength today from what I read - when I feel dejected and lost, overwhelmed by life's circumstances? How do I learn to trust God when my confidence is losing ground?
We want our reading to count. When we commit to regular reading, when we fall behind, we feel guilty and shame. In the past, we've just given up. How do we stop this cycle, and receive encouragement and renewal from our time with Him in these sacred pages?
Should I read quickly, covering as much ground as possible? Or, I take a verse each time and go deep? Is audio the same as reading? What about music - can't that help me engage His truth? What's the difference between reading devotionally and rolling up my sleeves and studying? Aren't pastors and Bible study leaders the only ones who use a concordance? (<-kidding!) How do I apply accounts from thousands of years ago to my life now? How does God speak to me through His Word?
We'll address all this and more on Sunday. Our primary text will be Psalm 1:1-3. My goal here is to cast a vision for the amazing encounters that await us at His feet, as well as practical tips for making the most of our efforts.
Reading the Bible for All it's Worth