Sunday, May 11, 2014: Overcoming Anxiety

Text: Plilippians 4:1-10

After taking us to glorious heights in Philippians 3 (forgetting what's behind, straining toward what's ahead...), Paul addresses two women who just can't get along. He asks his assistant to help them. Then he tells us to always rejoice in the Lord. Always. He helps us see how to overcome anxiety: purposeful prayer and directed mind. Not only does he promise the peace of God, but the God of peace.

Overcoming Anxiety

May 4, 2014: A Snapshot of Daily Life

Acts Series message 17

Text: Acts 14

As Tim Keller has said, the issue on which everything stands is not whether or not you like Christianity, but whether or not Jesus rose from the dead. As the disciples boldly proclaimed the resurrection and lordship of Jesus Christ, some believed but others actively opposed their ministry. We'll see from Scripture how we will experience success, opposition, and redirection as we serve the Lord.

A Snapshot of Daily Life

April 27, 2014: The Meat and Potatoes of Paul's Message

Acts Series message 16

Text: Acts 13

The past several Sundays we've addressed fulfilled prophecy, the Trinity, the Son of God and, of course, the death & resurrection of Christ. We hit those because Paul deals with all of them in his first missional sermon. We'll finish this rich passage on Sunday by tying all of those together and then take a look at the heart of Paul's message. As author Timothy Keller has noted, the issue on which everything stands is not whether or not you like Christianity, but whether or not Jesus rose from the dead.

The Meat and Potatoes of Paul's Message

April 13, 2014: Only Begotten Son of God

Acts Series message 15

Text: Acts 13:33

Throughout our journey in Acts we’re constantly seeing the work of the Spirit as salvation in the Son is proclaimed. We've taken time to develop the personhood and deity of the Holy Spirit, as well as explore the triunity of our God. This Sunday we'll examine exactly what the phrase 'only begotten Son of God' actually means. Established in eternity, the term 'Son' is seen clearly in His incarnation and work on the cross. This truth drives us to worship, paricularly as we consider that this One came riding on a…donkey.

Only Begotten Son of God

April 6, 2014: Our Triune God

Text: Various selected texts

When we study various sciences, we witness the Hand of God. When we engage theology(the study of God), we approach and engage the very being of the One we worship. He is AWESOME, beyond our ability to fully comprehend (which is why we worship Him, right?). He is magnificent and exalted in majesty. This Sunday we will examine His triune nature, commonly referred to as the Trinity. How is it that we say there is one God, yet known as Father, Son and Holy Spirit? This doctrine is often misunderstood and misrepresented, not to mention ridiculed. We will examine the Scriptural record on this matter; His revelation of Himself is consistent from beginning to end. Our sermon will flow into the following sermon on the phrase, 'only begotten Son of God.' I hope you are as excited as I am to dive into this!

Our Triune God

March 30, 2014: The Blasphemer Speaks

Acts Series message 14

Text: Acts 13:13-52

Paul has stirred things up on his first missions trip (notice the missions theme this week?) and soon has the ear of almost an entire city. His speech is stirring and doctrinally rich; so much so, we'll spend at least two Sundays adressing it. This weekend we'll examine his powerful statements and larger themes: David's passion for God, the Sonship of Christ (just what does 'begotten Son' mean, anyhow?) and election within salvation.

The Blasphemer Speaks

March 16, 2014: Herod's Sword and His Ruin

Acts Series message 20

Text: Acts 12

We certainly aren’t lacking for action in this chapter! Death by sword, imprisonment, angelic deliverance, a stunned church, and a king struck down by an angel. The church is growing now with both Gentiles and Jews, but we are reminded that it is also being resisted through persecution. We will conclude on Sunday with a powerful reminder of how the early church responded to opposition and setbacks.

Herod's Sword and His Ruin

March 9, 2014: A Day in the Life of the Early Church

Acts Series message 19

Text: Acts 11

Cornelius and his family being converted was HUGE, so Luke will have us revisit it, via Peter's recollection, to the believers at Jerusalem. Lots of very important and practical truths to glean from this chapter. As well, we'll see the Christians being encouraged and also proactive in helping those in need. And, oh, Christians are first referred to as Christians in this chapter.

A Day in the Life of the Early Church

March 2, 2014: And Here Come the Gentiles

Acts Series message 18

Text: Acts 10:9-48

We've seen the infant church suffer much persecution while at the same time expanding outside Israel. We'll now examine the first recorded Gentile conversion, as so many prophecies were fulfilled beginning with this momentous event! Acts 10 records the story of Cornelius' salvation experience; Cornelius was a centurion in the Italian regiment.

And Here Come the Gentiles

February 16, 2014: Despair

Text: Lamentations 3:1-26

How do you handle the dark times in your life? Have you ever asked yourself, "Is God really there when I'm suffering?" or perhaps, "Does God even care, or could He even be the source of my trials? God has a message of hope for you. Guest speaker Jason Purdy delivers God's message of hope found in Lamentations.


February 9, 2014: There's Room at the Table

Acts Series message 16

Text: Acts 9:1-31

We have arrived at a critical place in Acts: Saul (later the Apostle Paul) is born again and begins building up the very church he previously attacked! God chose Saul to be the mouth-piece of the Gospel, so we could see His unlimited patience through a man who once was a persecuter and a blasphemer. He is working His plan, tearing down the wall between Jew and Gentile and growing His church through all peoples. What an exciting section of early church history! We will conclude with 7 very practical applications from Saul's conversion.

There's Room at the Table

January 26, 2104: Reading the Bible for All it's Worth

Well our name is Derwood BIBLE Church. We're striving to be in the Word regularly this year. What we hold in our hands - or on our mobile devices - is God's wisdom given to us, living words. Powerful words. Transforming words. Divinely inspired truth, woven together through the temperaments and life experiences of the ancients. More than 40 men, over a period of roughly 1,500 years, penned the library of books we call the Bible (which means, library).

How do we take this book in? How do we read it meaningfully, thoughtfully? We see the early Christians gladly suffering and even dying for Christ. How do I derive joy from my meditation on His Word? How can I draw strength today from what I read - when I feel dejected and lost, overwhelmed by life's circumstances? How do I learn to trust God when my confidence is losing ground?

We want our reading to count. When we commit to regular reading, when we fall behind, we feel guilty and shame. In the past, we've just given up. How do we stop this cycle, and receive encouragement and renewal from our time with Him in these sacred pages?

Should I read quickly, covering as much ground as possible? Or, I take a verse each time and go deep? Is audio the same as reading? What about music - can't that help me engage His truth? What's the difference between reading devotionally and rolling up my sleeves and studying? Aren't pastors and Bible study leaders the only ones who use a concordance? (<-kidding!) How do I apply accounts from thousands of years ago to my life now? How does God speak to me through His Word?

We'll address all this and more on Sunday. Our primary text will be Psalm 1:1-3. My goal here is to cast a vision for the amazing encounters that await us at His feet, as well as practical tips for making the most of our efforts.

Reading the Bible for All it's Worth

January 19, 2014: The Word Spreads

Acts Series message 15

Text: Acts 8:1-25

In Acts 8, the infant church explodes as the Word travels to new destinations. Saul unleashes a furious wave of persecution against some Christians, literally going house-to-house and hauling both men and women off to jail. As a result, many flee Jerusalem taking the Gospel with them. One such brother is Philip, whom God uses mightily. He upstages the local sorcerer in Samaria, who begins traveling with Philip based on his new profession of faith. That profession is determined not to be genuine based on his desire to pay money for Philip's powers. Now, when the apostles hear that the Samaritans have embraced the Gospel, they pay a personal visit and lay hands on them in order for them to receive the Spirit. Which brings up two questions: What is the nature of true faith? and, should we be laying hands on people today in order for them to receive the Spirit? We'll address all this and more on Sunday. What an exciting time in Acts! Now the Samaritans, whom the Jews hated, were following Jesus.

The Word Spreads

January 5, 2014: What Are You Living For?

Acts Series message 13

Text: Acts 6

Over the next several weeks in Acts we'll be examining the church's first recorded martyr. Stephen was filled with the Spirit, he was wise, and he did not back down from opposition. He willingly paid the ultimate price for his faith in a most painful fashion. As I study his ministry, I am asking myself this question: what am I living for? Stephen lived for Christ and served others. He died for his faith. Does this represent my I spend my energy, my time and my treasures?

What Are You Living For?

December 29, 2013: A Legacy of Service

Acts Series message 12

Text: Acts 6:1-7

Did you know that the early church prioritized a food distribution for widows in need? This Sunday, we'll meet Stephen and six other godly men who were hand-picked by the apostles to lead this ministry. The goal here was to free up the apostles so they could be devoted to the ministry of prayer and the Word.

We'll spend a few weeks on Stephen, who became the first recorded Christian martyr, which means we'll soon be introduced to SAUL OF TARSUS who oversaw Stephen's stoning with great satisfaction. Saul would later pen these words: The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.

Amen to that! The story of grace is unfolding beautifully as we travel through Acts.

A Legacy of Service