Worship Team


The Worship Team at Derwood Bible Church is made up of instrumentalists, vocalists, and tech support people.  We strive to be a close-knit family of worshipers that support each other in many ways.  Our main ministry is to provide music for DBC services but we may also participate in concerts, outreach events, conferences, mission trips, and recording projects.

As leaders of worship in the house of the Lord, we seek after God and offer Him not only our gifts of music, but our lives every day of the week.

If you're interested in becoming involved in the Worship Arts Ministry of DBC, just read below for more information or contact our Worship Arts director, Tim Ripley.

A Worship Team Member must:

• Be a believer and true follower of Christ in full submission to His Lordship

• Be a Church Member

• Demonstrate the high level of commitment required by doing the work away from rehearsal to be able to worship with excellence

The growing Worship Team Member will aspire to:

• Be a vibrant and genuine follower of Christ

• Be an inspiring worshiper

• Be able to read band charts

• Be able to sing/play the part assigned to them

• Train their ear to pick out their particular part from a recording

• Seek instruction that will help them to refine the gift that God has given them

• Use style, dynamics, phrasing, and timing to convey the message of the music

Worship Team FAQs:

Q: How do I become involved in Worship Team?

A: The first step is to inform the Worship Arts director of your desire to join the team.

Q: Will I have to audition or something?

A: Yes. You will need to fill out an informational form called a Worship Leader Questionnaire and prepare a piece of music or bring some examples of your work so that your skill-level can be assessed.

Q: What other requirements are there?

A: You need to be a member of the church and have an attendance record that shows a commitment to DBC.

Q: How much time will this take per week?

A: It should take about 3 hours on average. (2 hours at rehearsal and 1 hour of practice on your own)

Q: How long does this process take?

A: Once you begin rehearsing with the worship team, when it is determined that you are ready, you will begin contributing your musical gifts to the Sunday morning services. The faster you learn, the less time this takes. The average is a couple of months.

Q: Is there anything else I should know?

A: The worship team at DBC is like a family. We love and support each other. We encourage each other to pursue excellence in every area from the spiritual to the artistic. We are a group of committed Christians that are willing to do whatever it takes to live, and thereby worship, with excellence before a God that deserves nothing less than our very best!