December 3, 2023: O Holy Night!

The Glory of God series message 12

Text: Luke 2:8-14

We've heard it many times, the glory of the Lord shone round about them. The glory that shone that night was in concert with the holy One that was born in Bethlehem. Veiled in flesh the Godhead see, the Creator takes the form of His creation. Let us bow in awe and wonder at this thing GOD has done!

November 26, 2023: For the Glory of God!

The Glory of God series message 11

Text: Revelation 1:4-6

In this message we address the question, "How do I glorify God with my life?" Having considered many of His attributes and excellencies, how do I live my life in such a way so as to bring glory to Him in all I say and do? 

November 19, 2023: Lord God Almighty!

The Glory of God series message 10

Text: Revelation 19:6-7

God is all powerful, such a comfort for believers in every age. We worship Almighty God because and rest in His care, knowing He has no rival or threat to His sovereign reign. This is the final specific attribute that we will examine in this series. The following Sunday we will answer the question, "How do I glorify God with my life?" 

November 12, 2023: Called to Glory!

The Glory of God series message 9

Text: I Peter 5:10

The sum and substance of the gospel, the good news, is this: in Christ, God forgives us completely, adopts us into His family, and will fully, and finally, conform us to the image of Jesus Christ as we enjoy Him forever. In short, God has called us to His eternal glory!!! God will completely redeem us as well as creation. This is our hope, our joy, our ‘true-north’ in life. The eternal perspective is the crown jewel of Christian contentment and intrinsically tied to God's glory. 

November 5, 2023: No Other gods!

The Glory of God series message 8

Text: Deuteronomy 6:5

As we examine the excellencies of God, I pray we more clearly understand the injunctions against idolatry in God's Word. Scripture repeatedly warns us against bowing our hearts to lesser things. There are endless pursuits that will compete for our time and affection - we do well to heed the Apostle John's words: little children, keep yourselves from idols. 

October 15, 2023: The Wrath of God

The Glory of God series message 6

Text: Various

As we continue our focus on God's perfections, our theme this week is often misunderstood, misapplied or ignored altogether. We'll highlight the biblical presentation of God's wrath - its centrality to the gospel and how it is intrinsically tied to the gospel. Understanding the beauty and fury of Calvary is sure to increase our gratitude, motivate our service, compel us to walk soberly and embolden our witness for Christ!

October 8, 2023: He Never Changes!

The Glory of God series message 5

Text: Numbers 23:19

In this message we focus on the attribute that some consider to be the crown jewel of God's attributes for the Christian - it develops such confidence and brings much comfort. I look forward to unpacking it together!

October 1, 2013: The Heavens Declare!

The Glory of God series message 4

Text: Psalm 19:1-6

As we consider the multi-faceted glory of God, Scripture consistently showcases creation as a display of God's glory. When we consider the vastness of the universe, we can learn to trust Him more deeply. When we consider the design seen even in the microscopic realm, we worship. We are assured that we are not the result of a random series of chance events - we are created in the image of God! Acknowledging our Creator, the biblical worldview always promotes God's wisdom and authority, not our own. 

September 24, 2023: HOLY

The Glory of God series message 3

God's glory is the brilliance of His essence and sum of His attributes. Chief among His attributes is ‘HOLY’ - the threefold angelic declaration being reserved for it alone. Scripture tells us that God is wholly set apart and ‘other than’ - our worship, and everything we do should reflect this vital truth. 

September 17, 2023: Knowing God

The Glory of God series message 2

J.I. Packer said, "Those who know God have great energy for God, have great thoughts of God, show great boldness for God and have great contentment in God." It is the Chrisitan's great interest to combine their knowledge about God with a vital walk with Him. We'll seek to strike that balance on Sunday as we begin to probe the many excellencies of God's glory. 

September 10, 2023: The Glory of God

The Glory of God series message 1

In this message, we begin a new series entitled, The Glory of God. I've reflected much upon this over the summer. We see this concept all throughout Scripture, and use the phrase regularly, but what exactly is the Glory of God? And how should God's glory impact how we live: our thinking, our disposition, our worship? I look forward to beginning our consideration of God's glory together! 

September 3, 2023: Personal Reflections

In this message, we speak to one verse, a phrase the Lord impressed upon me deeply back in June. I've been reflecting on it all summer and have seen its truths applied both here and also in the places we've visited. I look forward to sharing these reflections with you tomorrow and pray it is as arresting for you as it has been for me. 

August 27, 2023: I AM The True Vive

I AM series message 5

Text: John 15:1-11

As we wrap up our series on Jesus’ ‘I am…’ statements, we should take a step back and make sure we don’t miss the forest for the trees. Jesus tells us He is…the Bread of Life, the Light of the World, the Door of the Sheep, the Good Shepherd, the Resurrection and the Life, the Way and the Truth and the Life, and now, just as He is preparing the disciples for His death and resurrection, we see that He is the True Vine. When we are prone to distraction Jesus reminds us, again and again, who He is and calls us to find true life in Him, to abide there, and experience the joy of bearing fruit that brings glory to the Father. In nthis message, we turn our attention to the True Vine.

August 20, 2023: I AM The Bread of Life

I AM series message 3

Jesus is the source of eternal life which He gives to those who believe in Him. Eternal life is sharing in the life of Christ and is the only thing that will truly satisfy our souls. Once we receive eternal life, we continue to satisfy the hunger in our souls by daily seeking God, remembering Him and who we are in Christ.

August 13, 2023: I AM the Way the Truth and the Life

‘I AM’ series message 2

This week we read John 14:6, “I AM the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” This is another powerful declaration our Lord leaves behind for us to study, meditate on, and believe. It is only through the blood of Jesus Christ that we might have eternal glory in the Father's house.

August 6, 2023: I AM the Resurrection and the Life

‘I AM’ series message 1

Jesus makes seven ‘I AM’ statements in the gospel of John. In our new series, we will examine one ‘I AM’ statement each week, allowing us to see how Christ describes Himself. The message this week is from John 11:25. Here, Jesus confirms death on earth is not the end, but the beginning. Jesus makes the incredible proclamation, “I am the resurrection and the life.” What resurrection and life is Jesus talking about exactly? In this message, we unfold the most significant miracle of Jesus’s earthly ministry.

July 30, 2023: The One Another Trilogy

One Another series message 8

Text: 1 Peter 4:7-11

In Peter’s letter to the churches of Asia Minor, he is helping them to understand their place in the Story of God and presenting them with hope that will carry them through suffering, persecution, and hardship.  In the midst of this, Peter exhorts these believers with a trilogy of “one anothers.”  As we complete our series on the “one anothers,” we will see how this trilogy creates a beautiful picture of the Kingdom of God that gives us hope and purpose for today.

July 23, 2023: Pray for One Another

One Another series message 7

Text: James 5:13-16

In this letter James is focused on practical Christian living and stresses that we are not to just be hearers of the word, but in fact we are to be doers of the word. While stressing that we are not saved by our good works; our good works are evidence that our faith is real and a faith without works is dead.  He stresses that God is the giver of every perfect gift and that through various trials our faith is tested and we are to stand fast and not be double-minded.  As we go through various trials he encourages his fellows brother and sisters in Christ to confess their sins to one another and pray for each other that they may be healed.