April 28, 2019: This... Not That!

Titus series message 8

Text: Titus 3:9-14

In our text, Paul urges Titus to have nothing to do with foolish discussions or with those who promote them. Rather, in keeping with his emphasis on sound doctrine, he tells him to call these peddlers out. It's no accident that this directive is couched in the command to have God's people actively engaged in good works. 

A healthy Christian church refuses to engage in or obsess over foolish sideshows but, being grounded in God's truth, it occupies itself with good works towards believers and unbelievers alike. 

April 21, 2019: More Than Random!

Text: I Corinthians 15:20-23

Every year at this time we love to talk about the resurrection - although, hopefully, it's not the only time we talk about it! Have you ever wondered how the resurrection fits into the bigger picture? The resurrection was a noteworthy, but by no means isolated, event… it was the start of something amazing! We'll be focusing our attention on the term first fruits. 

April 14, 2019: We Were Made For This!

Titus series message 7

Text: Titus 3:1-8

Last week we saw how God’s grace brings salvation to all people, regardless of social position, to make a people zealous for good works. This week we continue that theme as Paul pulls the curtain back to reveal how God brings new life to everyone who believes in Christ. But God does not stop there. He calls us heirs with Christ and makes us part of the family business. We may not always feel qualified, but our lives matter and we were made to do work that will last into eternity!

April 7, 2019: Amazing Grace!

Titus series message 6

Text: Titus 2:11-15

God's grace is stunningly beautiful and powerful, and resides at the the heart of God's unfolding drama of redemption in the Bible. His grace brings salvation to everyone - to people in all classes and stages of life. It trains us to renounce worldly patterns and develop godly ones while we actively wait for Jesus to appear in glory. The stated purpose of his oblation is to create a new people who are zealous for good works. We'll examine the many aspects of grace in our lives and be encouraged to grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

March 31, 2019: Doctrine Matters!

Titus series message 5

Text: Titus 2:1-10

In contrast to the false teachers, Titus is urged to teach sound doctrine because what you believe, and what your spiritual diet consists of, will influence your lifestyle and personal conduct. The teachings you engage matter because how you live your life matters. The two are intrinsically connected! We are going to return to this passage at the end of the series to give a more detailed application from the letter as a whole. 

March 24, 2019: Engaging Those in Error

Titus series message 4

Text: Titus 1:10-16

Last week Pastor Colin noted that a role for elders in a local body is to uphold sound doctrine. Paul gives further instruction to Titus on engaging those who would lead the church away from the truth. The goal is to restore them to sound faith.

A. Corruption is their game (vv. 10-12)

B. Correction is the goal (vv. 13-14)

C. Condition of their gait (vv. 15-16)

March 17, 2019: Leadership Matters

Titus series message 3

Text: Titus 1:6-9

Paul left Titus in Crete with a big task - to appoint elders in each town so the churches would flourish under solid leadership. We'll take a look at the important role elders play in the life of the church and what type of person should be considered to serve in this role.

March 10, 2019: Love Your Church!

Titus series message 2

Text: Titus 1:4-5

The church of Jesus Christ displays the manifold wisdom of God to the world around us. It is His prized possession, which He bought with His own blood. We should love the church, love our church, and strive to fulfill the Great Commission our Lord gave us. Churches are to have godly leaders in place to teach sound doctrine, in accord with godliness, and keep us moving in the right direction. 

March 3, 2019: Answering Life's Pressing Questions

Titus series message 1

Text: Titus 1:1-3

In his opening words to Titus, Paul answers three crucial life questions that every Christian should be confident to answer: who am I, why am I here, and where am I going? In this letter, Paul casts a vision for a healthy church. He begins by helping each believer know his/her mandate and calling. 

February 24, 2019: Our Faithful Shepherd

Habakkuk series - Supplemental

Text: Psalm 23

Habakkuk models what appears to be an abrupt shift from wondering and waiting to praise and worship. He is a good example for us. When our hurt runs deep, it is only human to struggle, doubt, ask questions, and put our case to God. But if we linger too long in that territory, bitterness will surely settle in to our bones and we can possibly experience the Lord's discipline. The good news is that our Lord is a wonderful shepherd who is gracious, patient, and attentive to the smallest details of our lives (and in particular, our struggles and weaknesses). He will never leave us nor forsake us, and is diligent to complete His work in us as He brings us safely into His heavenly kingdom.

February 17, 2019: The Power of Praise

Habakkuk series message 3

Text: Habakkuk 3

Habakkuk moves from wondering where God is, to waiting and clinging to God‘s character and plan, to praising Him for the same. The power of praise is compelling and transformative! When we shift our focus from “me” to “Him” and worship Him not for what He does but for WHO HE IS, it is life-changing and brings great freedom.

February 10, 2019: Wisdom in the Wait

Habakkuk series message 2

Text: Habakkuk 2

Our introduction to Habakkuk saw him wondering where the Lord was in the chaos he was experiencing. This week we’ll see his posture in waiting, with much for us to learn and emulate. Even in the darkest valley, God’s truth and purposes are gloriously present even when we are unaware or do not fully comprehend it.

February 3, 2019: How Long, O Lord?

Habakkuk series message one

Text: Habakkuk 1 

Have you ever wondered, "God, where are you?!" Why do the evil prosper and why does He remain distant to those suffering? If so, you're in good company. Habakkuk had the same questions and lodged his complaint to God. He received an answer, but it wasn't what he was looking for. Things are going to get worse before they get better! This little book teaches us to trust God in the dark and know that He is sovereign and is far from aloof.

January 27, 2019: Kindness Starts Here!

Text: Titus 3:4-8

There is a lot of talk about kindness, being kind, paying it forward, etc. and, if you were to ask anyone on the street, most would say that being kind is a good thing. Yet we live in a very sarcastic, cutting, and cynical culture. Why is it so hard to live out something we all recognize as good? Perhaps it is because we are starting in the wrong place. Rather than beating ourselves up to be better, maybe we need to recognize that we just don’t have it in us, and see what God will do when we trust Him and step out in faith to be kind.

January 6, 2019: Abide!

Text: John 15:3-4

"Abide" will be a big theme in 2019 for us. It dovetails perfectly with our emphasis on personal discipleship. It's the antidote to annual resolutions which often fail after a month or two when we do things in our own strength and wisdom. The key is bearing fruit - apart from Christ, I can do nothing; the key to fruitfulness is abiding in Him. 

December 30, 2018: Travel Light

Advent 2018 - Temporary Tenant - message 4

Text: Philippians 3:20-21

Jesus occupied His manger and tomb, but for a moment, in bringing many sons to glory. Through faith in Him we are citizens of heaven, as God has called us to His eternal glory. This new year, let's look to and develop a longing for our heavenly inheritance as we ‘travel light’ in our upward journey. 

December 23, 2018: Forgive... WHO?

Advent 2018 - Temporary Tenant - message 3

Text: Ephesians 4:30-32

If grace defines Christ's coming, surely forgiveness is a prized result - as He destroyed the works of the devil. We are reconciled to God. We are forgiven of our sins but, with that blessing, comes responsibility: we are to forgive others just as God in Christ forgave us. We'll see why this is consistently true in Scripture, and we'll give practical steps we can all use as we carry this out in the power of the Spirit - especially related to those deep wounds which have caused rot in our souls for too long! 

December 16, 2018: Putting Grace Back in Christmas

Advent 2018 - Temporary Tenant - message 2

Text: II Corinthians 8:9

This time of year we hear a lot about peace, joy, and love - Jesus is definitely all about these things! But when do you hear people talk about grace at Christmas? "God and sinners, reconciled" - that's GRACE! Jesus came full of grace - "grace upon grace"! By being a temporary tenant in both His manger and tomb, God and sinners are being beautifully reconciled in Him. And God's will is that we receive His grace every day, that we live in it and that we give it to others!