March 4, 2018: Picture This!

Philippians series message 3

Text: Philippians 1:9-11

Paul now shows the content of his prayers for the Philippians, after commending them for their participation in the Gospel. We'll build on the strong word Mike brought last week to highlight five themes of his prayer; these themes are applicable for all believers - everywhere. His prayer is that they (we) would abound in a love which is guided and directed by knowledge and discernment, so that we can continuously develop our convictions and live to the fullest our calling and identity as Christ-followers. Our love grows through knowledge of Jesus Christ. Love well and digging deeper will be on full display.  

February 25, 2018: Relationships Reimagined

Philippians series message 2

Text: Philippians 1:7-8

Relationships are hard. It is so easy to let offenses divide us or give priority to something that drives us apart. Left alone we naturally drift apart. Not so with Paul's connection with the Philippians. He loved them deeply. They weren't just partners in ministry but they were also fellow partakers of God's grace and grace changes everything, especially our relationships. Will you reimagine your relationships in light of grace?

February 18, 2018: The Faithful One!

Philippians series message 1

Text: Philippians 1:1-6

When a guy writes about joy from prison, it's time to listen up. Paul shows us how Christian joy increases as we follow Christ, no matter our circumstances. 

Three key concepts:

1) His thoughts toward us (vs. 2): our feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness can be crushing at times. 

2) Partnership (vs. 5): pretty much our emphasis on discipleship - we all play a part. 

3) His faithfulness (vs. 6): He won't let go, He's with us in the storm, and thank GOD our standing is based on Christ's performance and not ours.

February 11, 2018: The Inside Ouch

Guest Speaker Scott Brown

In John 16, Jesus revealed a practical aspect of the Spirit's ministry among pre-believers that gives fresh perspective on our role in evangelism, and which removes the fear factor from evangelistic encounters with skeptics.


February 4, 2018: Reproduce!

Follow Me series message 6

Text: Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8

This is our final message in our discipleship series. We aren't meant to be passive with our faith, but to handle it with care and enthusiasm. We're commissioned to take the Good News to others, both to our neighbors and to the world. This is not for the professional clergy, it's for everyone! That includes evangelism and developing believers.

January 28, 2018: Repurposed

Follow Me series message 5

Text: Matthew 4:18-19

adapt for use in a different purpose

One of the most beautiful sights to behold is witnessing Christ
repurpose lives: our vision, our perspective, our hurts, and our
trajectory. Following Jesus involves submitting to His will and
purposes for us, and often it's an adventure we never would have
believed if someone had told us.

January 21, 2018: Always Learning

Flow Me series message 4

Text: Matthew 11:28-29

The very word disciple means student, or one who learns. As Christ followers, that's our lifelong heart posture. On Sunday we'll focus on humility, the demands of discipleship and learning from the written Word. 

January 14, 2018: Movement!

Follow Me series message 3

Text: Acts 4:13

To follow Jesus is to be part of a movement: God saved us from something to something in order to declare His praises! God's got work for each of us to do. Following Jesus is never stagnant or stale, and Jesus is bigger and better than all the negative church "culture" stereotypes such as legalism and hypocrisy. 


December 31, 2017: AIR8

Follow Me Series - message 1

Text: Romans 8:31-36

We’ll be looking at assurance in Romans 8. Nothing can interrupt God’s love for us in bringing believers to our final destiny of glorification into the image of Christ. Paul addresses this by asking four rhetorical questions:

- If God is for us, who can be against us?

- Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect?

- Who is to condemn?

- Who shall separate us from the love of God in Christ?

The obvious answer is NO ONE & NOTHING. Because our eternal salvation is completely by grace, it is God’s work; not ours. Because it is God’s work, it is uninterruptible!

December 24, 2017: My Utmost for His Highest - Your Savior is Weak!

Text: Hebrews 1:1-3

The bottle will rule you. Your past defines you. You'll always be a sex addict. He can help others but not you, you're a special case. Your sins are greater than His grace. There's power in the blood but not enough for your checkered past. And on down the list...

To the contrary! Jesus Christ is Lord and is a powerful and all-sufficient Savior. By virtue of our union with Him in His death and resurrection, sin shall not have dominion over us! He is a mighty Savior!

December 17, 2017: My Utmost for His Highest - How boring!

Text: Matthew 8:18-22

Said no prophet ever. Said no apostle ever. Said no disciple ever. Says no epistle ever. 

The boring Christian life is an invention of our own -  one in which the compelling call of Christ is replaced by a list of rules and unspoken decorum. Following Christ is, hands down, the most exhilarating ride out there. We labor with His strength, live with the eternal perspective, are fueled by grace, and enjoy a deep satisfaction, peace and joy unrivaled in the world. Suffering, peace, triumph, discipline, rewards - what more could we ask? 

December 10, 2017: My Utmost for His Highest - Another time, Lord!

Text: Matthew 8:18-22

Christ came that He might bring us life, and life to the full. He came so that, through faith in Him, we can spend our days declaring the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. Following Jesus sometimes requires hardship and sacrifice, but it is never the less-fulfilling life. It's tempting to put off for tomorrow what should be done today: when we get to high school, after college, when we get married, when the kids are  out of the house, etc. Let's not do that - instead of waiting for that opportune time, NOW is the time to engage Christ fully and meaningfully. Jesus didn't come, suffer, die, and rise again so we could live mediocre lives. 

December 3, 2017: My Utmost for His Highest


Text: Colossians 2:13-15

Our advent series will address common lies we believe that steal our joy and sideline us in the playing field of ministry. If Jesus is who He said He is, and if He did what He said He'd do, remembering His advent should be SUPER AWESOME and flood us with joy and hope. Because it was the start of something great. 

This Sunday: "But Pastor, you don't know where I've been and what I've done. God could never use someone like me, I just hope He slips me in the back door when it's my time to go."

Jesus' birth was awesome because He came to destroy the works of the devil. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Confess your sin and He will forgive and cleanse, faithful to His covenant. Time to take courage and get back into the game!


November 26, 2017: Living it Out - part 2

Text: Ephesians 1:17-23

This Sunday we'll continue this theme but focus on the how part. If God's power is available for me to walk in victory over sin, how exactly do I pull that off? It seems daunting. The path of Christ is clear: pursue righteousness. The power of Christ is present, available for me to appropriate. Sunday we'll hone in on the presence of Christ (the knowledge of Him) and standing on His promises

November 19, 2017: Living it Out

Text: Romans 6:1-5

The past two weeks we've talked about our identity in Christ and addictions. Not everyone experiences addictions and and not everyone experiences miraculous deliverances from sin and heartache. For most of us, there's a daily grind in which we meet that fork in the road: are we going to feed our flesh or walk in the Spirit? The standing is ours and the dynamite power is present, and I've come to appreciate that the beauty of Christ is seen just as clearly in the mundane as it is in the dramatic. I love seeing people grow in grace and reflect Christ through steady and systematic application of the Romans 6 truths and Holy Ghost power.

November 12, 2017: Addressing Addictions


Text: Proverbs 23:29-35

Addictions - what are the causes and how does one escape the vicious cycle? What are the warning signs and how do we help loved ones hooked on habits or substances? Through our mission, message, and fellowship, the church has so much to offer!

November 5, 2017: That's Me

The emphasis in this message is our identity - who we are "in Christ". It is very important! We are not who we used to be, we are not who others say we are, and we are not who we "feel" we are. We are who GOD says we are. Specific applications: lose the labels, pivot on your position, and celebrate your calling. 

October 22, 2017: A Beautiful Benediction

Hebrews series message 32

Text: Hebrews 13:20-21

I am so thankful I've had two weeks to reflect on these two verses. It is a beautiful utterance, filled with rich theology and superlatives. The GreatShepherd and eternal covenant - such comfort and encouragement. These truths are taking us places - He's moving us on mission and equipping us to live a live pleasing to Him; we'll tie that in with our emphasis on discipleship.